Another image of mushrooms (How dangerous they could be?)
In this text is the image of mushrooms, what is rising through the asphalt. That thing shows, how dangerous those little things might be for structures. Or actually, the biggest or heaviest living organisms are mushrooms. The mycelium of those organisms might be very large, and the thing is that some mushrooms are scattering also living tissues, which means that they could be dangerous for living animals and many bugs die because of mold, and that thing is really interesting.
Mold is touching the core of the bug, and then the mycelium would find the breathing hole in the armor of the bug, and then it would slip in the body of those little animals. The mushrooms are things, what might destroy or at least damage the concrete structures very badly. The cells of mushrooms are slipping in the holes of concrete, and then the mycelium starts to twist those small holes bigger.
That thing could make structures weaker, and as you see from the picture what is in this text, the mushroom has very much power, when it will break the asphalt. There have made a couple of investigations or research to use mushrooms as the neutralizers for some poisons, and that thing is giving very interesting visions. The thing is that mushrooms are very effective scatters for biological material, and that would make them effective tools for destroying biological material.
But there has been made research to transfer the genomes of the mushrooms to bacteria, what would make normal bacteria like streptococcus or anthrax concatenating together, and those investigations are made in biological warfare laboratories. That ability would make those bacteria more dangerous than ever before. But the mushrooms can be used as the biological weapons in another way. The ability to weaken the concrete would make those organisms use to make sabotage for bunkers and other structure.
The thing is that if the mushrooms are connected with concrete mass, or they are slipped in some bunker, the air of bunker would pollute, but the mycelium would also slip in the concrete and make it softer, what it should be. Also sometimes has been introduced an idea that in the fuel storages would slip mushrooms or bacteria, what purpose is to turn that thing to the slime, what cannot use in motors. If the bacteria, what is used in oil catastrophes as an oil interception would slip in the fuel tank, that organism can destroy the entire storage.
Those things must be realized when people are making structures to nuclear power plants or something else targets. The mushrooms would make that structure weaker, what has ever been calculated. Mushrooms can also danger the spaceflights if in the spaceship would slip molds, what starts to diffuse in the closed space. And would you like to stay in the bunker or warship, what is full of germs?
Also if mushroom would slip in the storages, where is stored boots or other clothes that thing would cause eczema to the people, who use that equipment. In so-called normal life, mushrooms can cause huge financial losses, when they are destroying food and canvas and pollute the air in the houses. But what mold is doing, in the space, what is isolated from open air? That is the question, what people might think.
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