Strange detail of the case of Béla Kiss
Images from left Rudolf Hoess, Béla Kiss, and Karl-Maria Wiligut
Béla Kiss was one of the first and one of the most notorious serial killers in history. There are many stories about that case and that's why I don't stat to describe the circumstances or method, what that man used. The thing is that his crimes were uncovered in 1916 when three Austro-Hungarian soldiers went to his property for taking the gasoline barrels in war use, and then they discovered bodies, what were hidden in those holders. The gasoline was meant to preserve those bodies, and the thing is that this thing makes people ask one question, what was the purpose of those murders, and what Béla Kiss made with them? So the topics of this text should be, "what he did with bodies"?
In photographs is a couple of very strange details in the faces of this man, and one is that he looks like General or General of SS Karl-Maria Wiligut (1866-1946) who operated as a mentor for Henrich Himmler, and also Rudolf Hoess (1900-1947), the notorious leader or commander of the Birkenau Concentration camp looked like this mysterious man, whose name was Béla Kiss, or that is the name, how this man portrayed in history. Another name is "The beast of Hungary". When we are thinking the things like witchcraft, satanism, and occultism those things are really scary because there are always people, who are taking this kind of things a little bit too serious.
The thing what makes Béla Kiss more fascinating is that this man vanished during the WWI, and he was claimed to be in the Serbian military hospital, where he killed his roommate. The thing is that this kind of cases is under research is that there might be people, who are copying those cases. And those people are extremely dangerous. The case of Béla Kiss is one of the first documented cases of serial killers, and the police investigated that case very sharply.
Sometimes there are claiming that Béla Kiss was not the man or person, who made those crimes, what are known as "Hungarian love story". And if we would have orders to make a defense for Béla Kiss for trial, we might say, that maybe this man didn't know about those gasoline barrels. So that's why this notorious and horrifying case brought in the mind of people one case in the history, where the bodies of the victims of serial killers have sucked empty.
And in that case, nobody saw the wagons, what brought the bodies from the castle, and there is similar detail with the case of Béla Kiss. There is a possibility that somebody brought those barrels to the yard of Béla Kiss. The question is that why those barrels were not found earlier and were they visible on the road? But let's go back to the case, what I mentioned earlier.
That is the case of one of the most notorious women in history, Erzsébet Báthory (1560-1614), where the noblewoman leaked the blood away from the bodies of the young girls, and then bathed in that blood, so the question in that time was that why she made those things. The thing is that there are some very scary tales about fetuses, which those persons have tried to grow in blood. And that kind of cases are feeding the imagination and the dark side of our soul, and sometimes is asked a question, was Count Dracula behind those cases?
Images from left Rudolf Hoess, Béla Kiss, and Karl-Maria Wiligut
Béla Kiss was one of the first and one of the most notorious serial killers in history. There are many stories about that case and that's why I don't stat to describe the circumstances or method, what that man used. The thing is that his crimes were uncovered in 1916 when three Austro-Hungarian soldiers went to his property for taking the gasoline barrels in war use, and then they discovered bodies, what were hidden in those holders. The gasoline was meant to preserve those bodies, and the thing is that this thing makes people ask one question, what was the purpose of those murders, and what Béla Kiss made with them? So the topics of this text should be, "what he did with bodies"?
In photographs is a couple of very strange details in the faces of this man, and one is that he looks like General or General of SS Karl-Maria Wiligut (1866-1946) who operated as a mentor for Henrich Himmler, and also Rudolf Hoess (1900-1947), the notorious leader or commander of the Birkenau Concentration camp looked like this mysterious man, whose name was Béla Kiss, or that is the name, how this man portrayed in history. Another name is "The beast of Hungary". When we are thinking the things like witchcraft, satanism, and occultism those things are really scary because there are always people, who are taking this kind of things a little bit too serious.
The thing what makes Béla Kiss more fascinating is that this man vanished during the WWI, and he was claimed to be in the Serbian military hospital, where he killed his roommate. The thing is that this kind of cases is under research is that there might be people, who are copying those cases. And those people are extremely dangerous. The case of Béla Kiss is one of the first documented cases of serial killers, and the police investigated that case very sharply.
Sometimes there are claiming that Béla Kiss was not the man or person, who made those crimes, what are known as "Hungarian love story". And if we would have orders to make a defense for Béla Kiss for trial, we might say, that maybe this man didn't know about those gasoline barrels. So that's why this notorious and horrifying case brought in the mind of people one case in the history, where the bodies of the victims of serial killers have sucked empty.
And in that case, nobody saw the wagons, what brought the bodies from the castle, and there is similar detail with the case of Béla Kiss. There is a possibility that somebody brought those barrels to the yard of Béla Kiss. The question is that why those barrels were not found earlier and were they visible on the road? But let's go back to the case, what I mentioned earlier.
That is the case of one of the most notorious women in history, Erzsébet Báthory (1560-1614), where the noblewoman leaked the blood away from the bodies of the young girls, and then bathed in that blood, so the question in that time was that why she made those things. The thing is that there are some very scary tales about fetuses, which those persons have tried to grow in blood. And that kind of cases are feeding the imagination and the dark side of our soul, and sometimes is asked a question, was Count Dracula behind those cases?
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