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"Artist's conception of Proxima Centauri b as a rocky-like exoplanet, with Proxima Centauri and the Alpha Centauri binary system in the background. The actual appearance of the planet, is unknown." (Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxima_Centauri_b)
Was the signal from Proxima Centauri alien origin or manmade?
We don'ẗ know the answer, is the only answer what we can give. Honestly, we can say only that the mystery signal came from (the direction) of the Proxima Centauri. The link to that article is below this paragraph. And that's it. So what was the signal? In scientific magazines is told that in Australia a radio telescope captured a radio signal.
That signal is sent by used synthetic frequency and the source of that signal is unknown. So if we are calling all radio signals what origin we don't know as the "alien signals", we might be right. But then we must say that all stealth satellites and space shuttles, what is not found from the public recognition guides are "alien objects". So the term alien doesn't mean necessary other civilization.
"Certainly there are no alien civilizations" is a mantra that is repeated in public media. "Certainly there are no exoplanets and our solar system is unique in the universe" was the mantra that simultaneously repeated in the early 1980s. Then the first exoplanets were discovered, and recently the Proxima and Alpha Centauri got their first exoplanets. Before that, there was repeated that the double stars cannot have solar systems. The first super-earths that orbited other stars were found orbiting one pulsar, and that shows that the planets can "reborn" also in the remainings of the supernova.
It means only the unknown actor. When we are talking about "alien origin", we should describe what that term means in this time? When people are seeing the news about alien signals they always think that those terms mean some kind of extraterrestrial civilization. But if we are thinking that some of that news are jokes, which are published in magazines like Scientific American we must ask do we have the right to believe those magazines?
Are we stupid if we are believing some news, that published in respected scientific magazines? And if researchers are slaves of their scientific way to think, I must honestly ask, what they should be? Should they be some fanatics or people who are making decisions without seeing any evidence or making any kind of research with that case? I know only things, what I have read. And probably I sometimes use the keywords "alien signals", when I search the Internet. Probably there is some kind of information what we must put in the locker "garbage". But some things were published in scientific magazines.
So when somebody makes some kind of "jokes", there must be some reason for the joke. Does the purpose of the joke make everybody laugh to some SETI-researchers? Or stop funding of those projects. And where that money will put when the funding of the SETI-program is ended?
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