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Should we stop talking about "multiverse" as a term?
Should we stop talking about "multiverse" as a term? I mean if we think that also there are other universes in the same dimension as us. That means that we can start to call the 3-dimensional universe the "hyper-entirety" or "hyper-universe" that collects the most gigantic entirety together. The dimension continues beyond the edge of the universe. And that means that the edge of the universe is not the limit of the entirety. Or the edge of the universe is not either the limit of 3-Dimensional space where we live.
Could the new name for the universe the super-hyper group of galaxies?
Should we call our universe rather the "super-hyper" groups of galaxies or galaxy groups? When we are talking about the size of the universe. We should ask what point we use in the description? Do we describe the size of the universe as the edge of the expanding gas? Or should we use the first two photons released in the Big Bang as the limit or distance of edges of the bubble that we call the universe?
But the dimension continues beyond that edge. If there are some other universes, we cannot see them because the shine of galaxies is too bright that we cannot observe the light that comes outside the bubble.
The origin of multiverse-theory is the idea that the dimension continues beyond the edge of the bubble named "Universe". The idea in the universe is that it's the bubble that formed in the big bang. And that means that. There is the possibility that somewhere in the distance and our three-dimensional entirety is another bubble or bubbles.
Image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang
There are three theories of the other universes: Multiverse, Parallel universe, and Déja-Vu (Phoenix-theory) universe.
The difference between Multiverse and Pareller universe theories:
1) Multiverse theory: Universes are in the same dimension where we are living
In the Multiverse-theory: Other universes are existing in the same three-dimensional space. The interaction between those universes is conventional. But that interaction is so weak. That's why we cannot observe that interaction.
The internal gravitational interaction between particles in our universe covers the gravity effect of other hypothetical universes that are locating outside that certain universe. The reason for that is that internal gravity sources from the universe cover the effect of gravity. If that comes outside of the entirety.
2) Parallel-universe theory: Other universes are existing but they are not in the same dimension as us.
In Parallel-universe theory: Other universes are existing in different dimensions, which means they can interact only by the most highly-energetic reactions. The high-energetic reaction causes that the energy will transmit through the wall between the dimensions.
The same way as if the person would jump in the flat hard enough. The observer cannot see the jump itself. But that jump can hear downstairs. So if there is some kind of other universes in other dimensions, the high energetic reaction causes that energy can be tunneling through the border of dimensions if the energy load is high enough.
3) Déja-Vu or Phoenix-universe requires that the universe is closed
The Déja-Vu- or Phoenix-Theory goes like this: The universe is like Phoenix-bird. It will be born in the "Big Bang" starts to expand until gravity wins. Then the expansion of the universe ends, and the entirety is ending its existence in "Big Crash".
All of the material is turning into a black hole. That black hole will someday explode as the new Big Bang. And that new Big Bang forms the new universe. So the universe is existing between the Big Bangs and Big Crash and that continuum of the endless chain continues forever. But that series that continues forever requires that the entire material will drop back to the black hole that will someday explode and starts the new universe.
But if some material would travel out from the gravitational range of the black hole forms in the Big Crash. That means that the continuum is losing the material. And sooner or later that phoenix universe would turn to open. Then the entirety will turn to the wave movement that continues its expanding forever.
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Image II: The timeline of the Universe
If there are other universes in our three-dimensional space. Those other hypothetical universes could be very different from what our universe is.
If there are other universes in somewhere. That doesn't mean that there are also stars and planets in all of those bubbles. The entire universe can form by black holes or gas or even dark matter. Or the other universes can be formed by antimaterial There is an endless number of hypotheses about the form of those other hypothetical universes.
So the multiverse theory goes that there are many bubbles in the same three-dimensional space and those other bubbles are also the universes. The thing how we could try to find the other universes is simple. We have to calculate the simulated movements of the gas of the cosmic web.
And then try to compare the real movements of the entirety of the gas to the model that is calculated by some supercomputer. If the theoretical models are different than the real movement, that can tell the interaction between the giant gas formations and some distant object.
The thing is that how we are calling the three-dimensional space, where we are living? Should we call that space, what continues beyond the edge of our bubble as space, or should we turn to describe our bubble as the hyper- or super-hyper group of galaxies?
There is one galaxy, were seems not to have a supermassive black hole in it. The reason for that could be that the jet from the galaxy is pulling in some other black hole. And that thing means that the material and radiation are simply vanishing in the black hole.
When we are observing the form of galaxies. We are seeing the disk of ice and gas that is dropping in the supermassive black hole, which is found in the nucleus of the galaxies. There is only one galaxy. Where is not seem the supermassive black hole in the center of it, and where that black hole is gone is a mystery.
The material disk is only a small part of the galaxy, and there are many stars outside that material disk. The reason why supermassive black holes are the necessary thing for forming the material disks of galaxies is that they are offering the material center for the gas and other stuff.
So the galaxies are forming the local galaxy group. The local galaxy groups are forming the supergroups of galaxies. And the supergroups of galaxies are forming the "cosmic network" or "cosmic neural structure". What is forming the universe?
Can there be a continuum in the expanding of the size of objects? Can the universe interact with other universes through three-dimensional space? So if there are other universes or bubbles in our dimension, there is the possibility that those bubbles are forming even larger networks that "cosmic neural structure" ever can be".
Image II: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang
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