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Scientists are investigating the spiritualists' mediums and their "ability to hear or see dead".
While researchers are researching, they should not close any doors before they make the conclusions. The spiritual mediums are under research by scientists, and the fact is that the judgments can give when the research is done(1).
But without research, we can offer the only hoax or "I feel like" type of fact. We know that spiritual mediums (2) are solved crimes, and maybe we want to know what is the reason why spiritual mediums are different. And why they can "talk with spirits"? When mediums are telling that they see "dead" they do not mention what they see?
Are they seeing the single dead person or group of dead persons or what is the thing that they are exactly seeing? Are they see the people who are dead because of crimes? Or are they seeing also people who died because of natural reasons? Or what is "dead" what they are seeing? This is the question, what we should find out. When we are trying to solve the mystery of ghosts.
Are the reports of ghosts some kind of flashbacks? Are ghosts the result that some part of the nervous system is acting somehow different than the rest of our nerves and like talking to us? And could that mean that in the nervous system of some people could live the independent intelligent creature?
Or can the nervous system of some people receive electromagnetic radiation from somewhere? If the radio impulse causes the electromagnetic resonance, that thing can project things in the mind of people. So could the magnetite crystals in brains cause that some other people observe their environment differently? (3). Could some people have magnetite crystals in brains that cause the nervous system to overreacts to magnetic fields?
Or are ghosts creatures, what are living in the other dimension? If parallel universes exist, could there live some intelligent creatures?
Do you know why some people believing ghosts and spiritual mediums? The reason for that is the "Parallel Universe-theory". That theory claims that there is another universe in other dimensions. And that means there could be creatures, that are invisible to us. The interaction between universes that are in another dimension would be possible only through the energy channels. Those energy channels are known as wormholes.
The Parallel Universe theory (4) is a very similar theory to "Multiverse theory". But in Parallel Universe theory, other universes are in other dimensions. That means in the place of Earth in some other dimension could be "another Earth". That is different than our own and creatures that might live in that another dimension might be different to us. So the exciting idea is that "what if somebody can communicate with the hypothetical aliens in another dimension".
If wormholes have existed, the universe would be full of wormholes that interaction is minimum. Because most of those wormholes or energy bridges are smaller than quarks. But the wormhole or particles that are near the wormhole, would have the ability to store the electromagnetic radiation in the precise form, where it is captured. So how does this phenomenon conduct with the spiritual mediums?
There is one really interesting theory that the nervous system of some people can interact with the particles. That is stored the data that is stored in the particles that are orbiting the small diameter wormhole. But as we know this kind of scientific explanation is theories. We know that some mediums are solved crimes. And that thing makes this thing a very interesting phenomenon.
And the purpose of scientists is what is the reason. That somebody can see those things like where the murderer buried the bodies of the crime victims. That means those spiritual things should investigate more than researchers made before.
(1) https://scitechdaily.com/scientists-investigate-spiritualist-mediums-why-some-people-report-hearing-the-dead/
(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mediumship
(3) https://physicstoday.scitation.org/do/10.1063/PT.6.1.20180830a/full/
Image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mediumship
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