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Is Schrödinger's equation true?
The existence of particles is really interesting. When we are thinking about Schrödinger's cat and the question can the cat be alive and dead at the same time? We can say that the memory or the image that is stored in memory is one of the positions what that cat gets.
So the dead cat can live in our memory in a virtual position, which means we remember it, but we cannot touch it. When we are writing about some particles we can say that those particles are in a virtual position. We are modeling them in our mind, and describe them in the text, we can say that those particles are in a virtual position.
But can that virtual position take the form that can be seen by everybody in nature? Can the ghost be thing what is called Schrödinger's cat? And can the particle take the ghost form? Maybe that thing is possible if the particle is in the superposition, where it is at the same time in the fourth and third dimension.
But how the particle can be at the four and three-dimensional universes at the same time? The thing that is probably possible someday is that the particle can jump between four and three-dimensional universes. In the future, that thing could be made that the particle is driven in the black hole pair.
Another black hole is in the fourth dimension and another is in our three-dimensional universe. When we want to send that particle to the fourth dimension, we just need to make sure that the black hole in the fourth dimension is heavier than the black hole in our universe.
So how to make the object back from the fourth dimension? Theoretically, this thing requires only that the black hole in our universe can turn a heavier part of this pair, and that pulls the particle back from the fourth dimension.
But the problem is that there is no evidence that we can ever send the objects to the fourth dimension. Or even if we can make that thing, we cannot get any prove about that thing. Because the object what we send just disappears. And in that case, the existence of the object remains, but it disappears from us.
And then back to Schrödinger's cat what is living and dead at the same time. And how that thing would connect with Schrödinger's equation, the equation that shows what kind of wave function is connected to a particle when it has a certain energy level or size of energy? The term size-of energy is used because the size of the energy field around the particle will increase when the energy level of that particle is increasing.
The question is could the most famous cat be real in the real world? The 'Schrödingers cat means the cat, what is same time live and dead. And that thing is one of the most well-known examples of the superposition, the situation when the object has two forms (or positions) at the same time.
But if we want to think about what is the most interesting thing in that equation we must think that the information or the particle that carries the information might have two positions to be or not to be. In that case, the electromagnetic information that the particle carries exists, but it cannot be seen.
So this is the informational version of the cat, what is dead and alive at the same time. But what if we can make the information transporter what is carrying the information and at the same time not carrying the information? Or what if we can pack the data to particle make it disappear and call it back when we need that information? What that thing can make to data security? The idea of that kind of system is easy to model.
When the system particle transports the data, the energy level of the particle can pull very low. This means that the data cannot be seen from outside that particle's electron core. Or the information cannot separate from the other energy fields. But when people want to use the data they just aim the particle by using electromagnetic radiation. That electromagnetic stress will make the data easier to detect.
The reason for that is when the level of the power of the electromagnetic field would make the data more visible. But can we make the particle that exists and not exist at the same time? When we are thinking about the possibility that the particle exists or does not exist at the same time, we must realize that the particle or the sub-particles that are forming the particle cannot just disappear. They just can turn the wave movement or energy.
And that thing means that the energy or material cannot disappear. If we think that way the particle is ever disappearing. But when the particles are taking the form as the wave movement, that thing could be particle form of Schrödinger's cat. But there is the possibility that we could send that particle to the fourth dimension that thing would stop its existence in our universe.
And that means it exists and does not exist. We know that many things are real and they exist, but we cannot just reach them. So those things are meanless to us. And that thing awakens one very interesting question. Can the object can mean the position? Can we say that when an object interacts with another object that thing is the "interaction position" to other objects? We know that the universe has many things that are existed. But they do not affect things, that are near us. they mean
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