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Does the dark matter have a particle form?
Many times there is asked, what is dark matter? The answer is simply the dark matter is the most dominating thing in the universe. When we are discussing the existence of dark matter we should rather say that we are discussing the form of dark matter. Is dark matter atomic or is formed by some unknown particles like WIMP (Weak Interactive Particles). Or is it some kind of wave movement, the thing that is between the atomic and wave movement?
Can we find the answer from the superstring theory? The superstring theory describes the particles as one-dimensional strings, which are turned into a ball. So could the dark matter be the open superstring? Or is it something more exotic?
Is dark matter some strings that are traveling in the universe? Could it be at the same time the wave movement and physical particle?
The material can turn into energy or wave movement. And that means that material is one form of energy. We don't know the counter-reaction from the energy to material. But we know that because the material can turn to energy the energy can turn back to the material. So is a dark matter the thing, what is between wave movement or energy?
The form of dark matter is the mystery. And one of the biggest questions is was the dark matter existed before Big Bang? So if we are thinking about the size of the universe could dark matter be outside the universe? There is the possibility that dark matter is forming giant clouds and those dark matter formations affecting the dimension by their gravity. In those "dark galaxies" would not be stars or planets. And they would be invisible for human eyes.
The fact is that there is the possibility that the dark matter is the superstrings, what is open and turn back to the particle. In this theory, the idea is that dark matter is like the wire or the superstring, which is not turned into a tight ball for forming the quarks.
That means that the dark matter could be the superstring, that looks ring-shaped rubber band. That extremely small structure will turn from side to side. And the reason for that is the internal interaction of the smallest structure in the universe. So if the dark matter is the loose ball that is formed by superstring, that thing would make that matter unable to get the electromagnetic interaction.
Or the layer of the electromagnetic interaction is so small, that we cannot detect it. But the fact is that dark matter is everywhere. It is something that we cannot feel taste or smell. But it exists. And that mystic thing is the most dominating thing in the universe. Sometimes some people are thinking that dark matter does not exist. So what causes that mysterious gravity effect, what dominates the universe?
Is it possible that the superstrings can make chains when they are open? And that thing means the interaction between the bundle-shaped superstrings and other particles would be only gravitational. So is the hypothetical "open superstring" material or is it wave movement? That thing is a mystery. And the answer depends on how we describe that kind of formations? Are they wave movement or material?
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