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Benefiting asteroid belt
When we talk about benefiting the asteroid belt we somehow forget that most of the asteroids are quite small. Delivering them to Earth is quite easy because the gravity of the Sun would help in that process. And the needed energy is lower than sending stuff to the asteroid belt. But the problem is how to get the energy to that area.
The system can use the power satellites that are delivering energy to the space stations and other systems at the asteroid belt by using the maser or laser rays. The problem with the power supply is that sending uranium to that area is very expensive. So the uranium must be found from the asteroid belt or some other power source must be found that this kind of thing can make in real life.
Sometimes I have read that the space station orbiting Ceres gives a new home for humans. The fact is that it might work as the simulation for the larger-scale space stations, which might cruise in the solar system in farther future. There is one problem with asteroid Ceres, and that is the weak gravity. And that means the satellite or space station would rather saying follow that asteroid.
The station would have a tube or drill, which it can use to conduct water from Ceres straight to the station. The asteroid belt is a very interesting place for the space industry and research. The gravity of asteroids is very weak. And that means that the benefiting asteroid is "very easy".
In principle, an asteroid can equip with ion rockets and send them to Earth. The ion rocket can get energy by maser or laser rays. But there are also more interesting ideas for sending asteroids to Earth.
The material can transport to Earth by using the shuttles, which is pulling the asteroid to the Earth orbiter. The other version is to use the giant sling or magnetic accelerator or rail gun. The problem with magnetic rail-gun is that system requires a magnetic piece where the magnet can touch. So it can use only for sending the iron asteroids to Earth. Or the material can pack into the capsule which can accelerate by using magnets.
The sling could be over hundreds or thousands of kilometers long wire, where the asteroid will connect, and then it will send it to the trajectory, which transits it near the Earth. In both cases, the asteroid would equip with the retrorocket and probably with a safe explosive, which can explode the asteroid if it goes to the wrong trajectory and treats Earth. So what is the size of the asteroids, what could be sent to Earth? Their size would be about tens to hundreds of meters. And that means they would not very big.
Image: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Asteroid_mining
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