The quantum tunneling and crossing the speed of light
It's possible to cross the speed of light simply way. The electron must just accelerate to a speed that is near the speed of light in a vacuum, 299 792 458 m/s. Then we must just aim the electron to the medium, where the speed of light is slower than the speed of electrons and because the electron has the mass, the slowing cannot be limitless.
The same thing that is possible with electrons should work with photons, if the photon has mass it should need time for slowing. If particles like photons or electrons are over-energetic the energy is not disappearing. In that process, the particle must transfer its energy to some other place. Or transform it to wave movement.
Slowing the speed of the electron happens in a very short time. But during this very short moment, the electron is traveling at a speed that is higher than the speed of the light. This same thing happens with all other particles which have mass. And the function of the neutrino detector bases on that thing. When a high-speed neutrino hits the water, it must conduct its energy to something, and neutrino releases it as the blue light flash.
But when we are thinking about quantum tunneling, the thing that electron or neutrino can make doesn't mean that the things like spacecraft, which weight is thousands of tonnes can make the same thing. Quantum tunneling means that something like an electron can cross the speed of light.
Sound is the movement of molecules.
Can sound travel higher speed with the speed of sound? Sound is the pressure wave, that travels through the air. And the pressure is the movement of air molecules. The molecule or gas can travel faster than the speed of the sound, so how we should call the pressure wave what travels with speed, what is higher than the speed of sound.
Gas moves faster than the speed of sound every day in the universe. When the flares are forming in the sun, they are moving at a very high speed, and if we would hear that sound, it would be marvelous. The pressure waves that are coming out from the nucleus of the stars is the sound. And the traveling plasma clouds are also one version of the molecular wave movement. So the radars can see the incoming gas.
And turn the wave movements of the molecular or plasma clouds to sound by sending the image of movements of gas to the computer that transfers those images to sound synthesizer. Using the same technology the aircraft or satellite can observe the movements of gas around single persons. Using high-accurate radar or laser technology can use to eavesdrop on people even from high-altitude and orbital platforms. The requirement is that the system must aim to target by using very high accuracy But if that thing is possible the next generation laser microphone is the reality.
One paradox is that the soundwave can travel at the speed of light. Sound is the movement of molecules in a medium. And when the molecule is dropping into the black hole it travels at the speed of light. So if we would go to transition disk and yell that thing makes the soundwave, what travels in transition disk, but we would burn to ash if we try to make that thing in real life. But can sound travel faster than the speed of sound.
When the air molecules are dodging the supersonic aircraft they are traveling at a speed that is higher than the speed of sound causing the sonic boom. But can we call those extreme high-speed pressure walls the sound or should we just call them the pressure waves? If we are making the loudspeaker which film moves faster than sound, that thing makes the sound or pressure waves, what is traveling with the speed, what is higher than the speed of sound.
The fact is that the shockwave of the nuclear explosion is the soundwave, what origin is in the nuclear reaction of the nuclear bomb. So that means that the nuclear bomb can make the pressure wall that travels at a very high speed. But can we call that wall the sound- or shockwave? That's an interesting question because it's the movement of molecules.
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