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The supercomputer and cryptology.
It's not the same who owns the most powerful supercomputers.
The model of using an encryption algorithm
1) The computer calculates the list of the quantum-prime numbers
2) Those numbers are saved to the list
3) The encryption computer selects the number from the list by using the random number.
4) Then, the decoding system requires the place of the prime number of that list. The thing that can make the encrypting and decrypting process safer is that the list would not use successive numbers.
The beginning number can be 61 and the numbers of that list can be randomized. The requirement is that those lists are filled with identical numbers, what are in identical places, and the points, where those numbers are the same.
One tip for people who are using the encryption programs is that when the program is taken into use the program calculates the prime numbers. The time, what the program uses in that process is directly proportional to the length of the list of the prime numbers. So if the user of the program lets the computer calculate the prime numbers longer time, that will increase the data security.
Supercomputers are the ultimate tools for many types of calculations, and things like cryptology require extremely long calculations. The modern cryptological programs use Riemann's Conjecture for calculating the extremely long prime number or decimal prime numbers, what are calling quantum prime numbers. The quantum prime numbers mean the decimal numbers, where are billions of numbers, and what are division only by themselves and one.
The prime numbers are used to multiplicate the ASCII-codes, and powerful computer systems can calculate more of those quantum-prime numbers in a short time. The quantum prime numbers that the computer is calculating is forming the list, and then the computer randoms the number from those lists that it uses in the multiplication. The thing is that the faster computer can calculate more quantum prime numbers than slower ones. Faster computers can easily break codes that are made by using the elder computers.
There are computers in the world, what mission is to calculate quantum prime numbers. The other computers would pick the needed quantum decimal prime-numbers from that list using the random numbers, and then the message is easy to encode. But how to decode the message? The answer is that the receiver must just division the ASCII-codes of the messages by using the same prime numbers that are used for the multiplication of the ASCII-codes in the encoding process.
There is one weakness in this kind of system. That weakness or vulnerability is that the number is used in the encryption of the message and decoding the message must be the same. So the computers, what is operating as pairs must use the same prime numbers in the process, and there are two ways to make sure that the prime numbers are the same. The first way is to take the number from the list.
If encryption keys renewing automatically that means that the certain date would mean a certain number in the prime number list. And the problem is that the list has limits. Another problem is that in highly secured data transmission the prime numbers must change after each message, and that means that the end of the list will come sooner or later.
The other way is that those systems must send the key prime number in the message. That thing can cause a catastrophe if the prime number, what is sent goes to the wrong hands. Quantum computers allow researchers to calculate many times more prime numbers than the regular computer can, and that means all cryptological algorithms which are made for old computers are easy to break by using quantum computers.
The quantum computer would just calculate the extremely long list of prime numbers, and then type every single prime number from that list to the captured messages. The level of secrecy can rise by using the series of calculations, where the ASCII-codes of the message will multiply, addition, and subtract in the series of calculations.
Cryptology is one of the purposes, where the quantum computer can use. The other thing is that the highly complicated artificial intelligence algorithms can run on the quantum computing platform. And the things like automatized robot submarines and large-scale robot warships require high powerful computers for artificial intelligence that can control those systems. But of course, artificial intelligence can control the protein simulations, what are the most complicated simulations in the world.
Image: https://cfotech.com.au/story/80-of-australian-companies-think-cybersecurity-investments-failing
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