Teleportation and quantum computers
Wires are problematic in very fast microprocessors
In very fast microprocessors the wires are making the resistance, which causes the rise of the temperature in the wires. The rising temperature will oscillate the wires and disturb the data transmission. For the solution to that problem, the system would use extreme thin wires, which can be actually the lines of the carbon or metal atoms.
But those wires would not stand the heat, which causes because the oscillation of electricity will raise the temperature in the computer. The problem is also that the thin wires are damaging very easily, and that forces to make them too strong. In the bold lines, the voltage must be higher, because that denies the resistance, which will cause that the electricity will disappear in the wires.
And the too low voltage causes that the disturbance what is caused by the electromagnetic radiation will deny the data transmission inside the electric wires. The answer to that problem is suggested the superconducting, but that causes the situation, that the computer must install in the special environment, where the temperatures near the absolute zero point Kelvin can be made safely.
Superconducting would be the solution for oscillation, which caused by electromagnetic radiation.
Disturbance, what is caused by electromagnetic radiation, what comes from nature or outside the microprocessor force to use higher voltage, which causes the heat, and the heat is causing resistance in the microprocessor. So if we would want to create the extremely fast microprocessor, we must use very thin wires in the microchip. And the thin wires would cut if the voltage level is too high.
So that means that is the very fast computers would put in the Faraday cell, that would cause the radio waves that are coming from the outside would be eliminated. But the problem is that also the electric sources of the computer cause electromagnetic radiation, and that's why every single electric component must be isolated also from the radio waves, what are causing the disturbance to those electric wires.
If those microprocessors would allow separating from the radio waves, what comes from the electric sources and other electric wires, that would allow using lower voltages. That would allow keeping temperatures in the microprocessor lower, and that would allow driving those processors with higher clock frequencies. But that thing needs very deep caves, where the electromagnetic and other disturbance must be eliminated.
Quantum bytes would make quantum processors possible
In those cases, the temperature would be extremely low, which means the superconducting temperature, were those extremely thin wires are in the condition, there is no oscillation. And in that temperature would be possible to make the thing what is called as the quantum computers.
The problem with a quantum computer is that it handles the bytes in the line, not in the row. And that means that the computer could operate very fast. But there is one problem, the wires that are made by using the carbon or metal atom rows are not the answer to that thing, because the quantum computer needs the ability that the electrons must go in the row at the same wire.
The Fullerene or other nanotubes (nanosize particle accelerators) can be the answer to that thing
There is a possibility that the electric wires would be replaced by using the miniaturized particle accelerators, which can drive ions inside them. In this solution, the electrons or information would be packed in other atoms, what are stressed by microwaves or radio waves. That thing is called the teleportation in the world of nanotechnology and quantum physics.
That would cause the situation, that the atom would start to oscillate with the same frequency, what the electromagnetic radiation will use as the stressing process. After that, the atoms would shoot to the receiver, what will disable the frequency back to quantum bytes.
In theory, this technology is simple. Let's take the electrons or stressed atoms, and put them to the box like in the dog race. After that the boxes would be open and then those particles will fly in the lines to the receiver, but how to make that thing in real life. One version is to use fullerene tubes, extremely low temperatures and radiation isolation for creating the thing, what is the greatest dream in the world of science.
Wires are problematic in very fast microprocessors
In very fast microprocessors the wires are making the resistance, which causes the rise of the temperature in the wires. The rising temperature will oscillate the wires and disturb the data transmission. For the solution to that problem, the system would use extreme thin wires, which can be actually the lines of the carbon or metal atoms.
But those wires would not stand the heat, which causes because the oscillation of electricity will raise the temperature in the computer. The problem is also that the thin wires are damaging very easily, and that forces to make them too strong. In the bold lines, the voltage must be higher, because that denies the resistance, which will cause that the electricity will disappear in the wires.
And the too low voltage causes that the disturbance what is caused by the electromagnetic radiation will deny the data transmission inside the electric wires. The answer to that problem is suggested the superconducting, but that causes the situation, that the computer must install in the special environment, where the temperatures near the absolute zero point Kelvin can be made safely.
Superconducting would be the solution for oscillation, which caused by electromagnetic radiation.
Disturbance, what is caused by electromagnetic radiation, what comes from nature or outside the microprocessor force to use higher voltage, which causes the heat, and the heat is causing resistance in the microprocessor. So if we would want to create the extremely fast microprocessor, we must use very thin wires in the microchip. And the thin wires would cut if the voltage level is too high.
So that means that is the very fast computers would put in the Faraday cell, that would cause the radio waves that are coming from the outside would be eliminated. But the problem is that also the electric sources of the computer cause electromagnetic radiation, and that's why every single electric component must be isolated also from the radio waves, what are causing the disturbance to those electric wires.
If those microprocessors would allow separating from the radio waves, what comes from the electric sources and other electric wires, that would allow using lower voltages. That would allow keeping temperatures in the microprocessor lower, and that would allow driving those processors with higher clock frequencies. But that thing needs very deep caves, where the electromagnetic and other disturbance must be eliminated.
Quantum bytes would make quantum processors possible
In those cases, the temperature would be extremely low, which means the superconducting temperature, were those extremely thin wires are in the condition, there is no oscillation. And in that temperature would be possible to make the thing what is called as the quantum computers.
The problem with a quantum computer is that it handles the bytes in the line, not in the row. And that means that the computer could operate very fast. But there is one problem, the wires that are made by using the carbon or metal atom rows are not the answer to that thing, because the quantum computer needs the ability that the electrons must go in the row at the same wire.
The Fullerene or other nanotubes (nanosize particle accelerators) can be the answer to that thing
There is a possibility that the electric wires would be replaced by using the miniaturized particle accelerators, which can drive ions inside them. In this solution, the electrons or information would be packed in other atoms, what are stressed by microwaves or radio waves. That thing is called the teleportation in the world of nanotechnology and quantum physics.
That would cause the situation, that the atom would start to oscillate with the same frequency, what the electromagnetic radiation will use as the stressing process. After that, the atoms would shoot to the receiver, what will disable the frequency back to quantum bytes.
In theory, this technology is simple. Let's take the electrons or stressed atoms, and put them to the box like in the dog race. After that the boxes would be open and then those particles will fly in the lines to the receiver, but how to make that thing in real life. One version is to use fullerene tubes, extremely low temperatures and radiation isolation for creating the thing, what is the greatest dream in the world of science.
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