Homo Floresiensis and human evolution
Was the Homo Floresiensis the result of the extraordinary genetic disorder?
The strange skeleton, what was found from the Flores-island, Indonesia caused the reaction in the world of anthropologists because those skeletons have not similar dimensions with the normal midgets. And that thing told that there was something extraordinary in that skeleton. The thing is that sometimes is claimed that the strange skeletons have resulted in the extraordinary genetic disorder, but there is no actually proves about that thing.
The skull is claimed to be so small, that those hobbits were not intelligent, but in fact, the size of the brains doesn't mean everything. Also, the number of brain cells and the connections in those cells are important. So if the neurons of the brains of Homo Floresiensis would be very networked, or the neurons would be connected to themselves, that Hobbit could be intelligent, even if the number of the neurons would be lower than Homo Sapiens.
Could the skeleton be Normal Homo Sapiens?
There are still arguments, that there was only the normal Homo Sapiens, and the proof for that is the skull, there were some anatomical signs for the genetic disorder, but other scientists say that the dimensions of the other bones are fighting back of that argument. Of course, there is a possibility that this thing what is named as Homo Floresiensis is the result of extraordinary genetic disorder or mutation.
After that, there were found seven more such kinds of skeletons, and the thing was told that there would be something extraordinary with those 20 000 to 50 000 years old skeletons, and one thing is quite sure. Those persons were not actually handicapped, and that thing caused the idea of finding the new human species, what would live on this planet.
The brains of the Homo Floresiensis were not quite big, and the weight of those people was only about the 25 kilograms, and if that species have met Neanderthals or modern humans, and there would be a fight between those species. And that might be caused the death of the Homo Floresiensis as the species. When we are thinking about the environment, where that species were lived, the hypothesis about this species is that maybe the population of those Hobbits was not big.
What kind of DNA those bones have?
And there is a possibility, that they were dead by the natural reasons. When we think the level of intelligence of those strange creatures, there is a possibility that they were intelligent. But for that, the thing is that the brains of the Homo Floresiensis must compose smaller neurons than the modern human has. The answer to the question is Homo Floresiensis only the Homo Sapiens, what has the genomes, what causes midgetism or independent species would remain unknown. The DNA test would tell something about those skeletons, but the results will not satisfy everybody.
There are very much tales about the "midget people" or "small people", who are often kind, but only a few have been seen them. And then somebody thought that does the Floresiensis has some kind of connection with the people, who are called "little folk", in the folk stories. That connection is very weak but sometimes is very fascinating to think, what kind of secrets nature hides from the people.
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