Radiation can turn to material only in the point, where chaos impacts order.
Sometimes black holes are starting to travel across the universe. They are forming whirls in their trail. And those whirls are the thing that behind traveling black holes is forming stars. The reason why black holes are forming stars also when they are in stable places is this: those black holes are forming whirl. When that black hole is pulling material inside it, that thing forms the contact layer where s forming sub-whirls. And those sub-whirls are forming stars.
The whirls are making an order to plasma. And that thing turns chaos into order. We can say that stars and supermassive black holes can form only at the point where the order impacts chaos. At that point forms whirls that are turning into stars, galaxies, or some other objects. That's why the modern theory of everything involves chaos and order.
Once before, just after the Big Bang the universe was in order. And then another time when the universe turns to order is a big silence. In that time far away in the future, the last black hole exploded. And then the only thing that is left are superstrings that are traveling through the universe.
"An illustration of a 'runaway black hole' zooming away from its galaxy, with a trail of stars following behind it. (Image credit: NASA, ESA, Leah Hustak (STScI))" ('https://www.livescience.com/Runaway' black hole the size of 20 million suns caught speeding through space with a trail of newborn stars behind it.
Chaos and disorder are the white noise that covers the small and weak information under them.
Chaos and disorder in the universe are things that cover retrocausality. Because all information that travels in the universe is whirling and there is lots of reflection that thing covers the weak signals under the white noise. If the universe would be in the order that allows us to see the future through black holes.
There is a possibility that a small part of information can escape from the black hole, but when that information or superstring hits the universe it changes, and the information that this string carries vanish under the white noise. And it's very hard to separate from the gamma- and other high-energy radiation and reflection.
The aging of the universe means that its temperature will decrease. That thing increases the disorder. But the size and type of disorder are changing. And if we think that the universe is in its final stage, we must remember that every day is the first day in the path that started in the Big Bang and turns into a big crunch or great silence depending on the geometrical shape of the universe.
Once the universe was in perfect order. The radiation that left from the Big Bang left radially from outside that thing. And then the energy could form a massive black hole that slows the speed of the radiation and then the impact of radiation that comes out from the point of the Big Bang impacted with radiation that is slowing that formed a standing wave and group of whirls that formed the first elementary particles. Probably there formed some kind of gravitational lenses that changed the way of radiation or superstrings started to impact.
That caused the disorder. And then another time when the order returns to the universe is the time when the last star is lost its fuel. When the last black holes have erupted the universe reaches the order. That order was possible in the universe a second before the first elementary particles are born. When we are thinking about the last moments of the universe, reactions in that cold and strange place are not common.
But the effect of gravitational waves that travel in extremely stable conditions is stronger than it's now. In the modern universe, white noise disturbs also gravitational waves. But in the old universe, the gravitational waves travel for a long time. And the distance of the gravitational effect is higher than in the modern universe. So those crossing gravitational waves cause turbulence in the extremely low energy in the universe.
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