Neutron stars are like giant neutrons. And their spin is extremely fast and sometimes people ask, how those neutron stars can stay in one piece. Gravitational waves that are traveling through those structures are the thing that glues those neutrons in one entirety.
When gravitational waves travel through the neutron star, they are reflected from structures inside that giant neutron. And that thing might help to find particles that can reflect gravitational waves. The extremely fast spin of neutrons is one of the things that causes interesting ideas in researchers' minds. And the new thing that is found near neutron stars is also interesting.
"The density at the heart of neutron stars is three to five times higher than that of an atomic nucleus; it’s the highest density achievable before a black hole forms. Nobody knows what happens to matter at such extreme densities. ( Quark Matter: Gravitational Waves Hold Clues to the Universe’s Densest Matter)
One theory posits that the ultra-dense soup of neutrons and protons will decompose into a soup of quarks and gluons—the most fundamental building blocks of matter". ( Quark Matter: Gravitational Waves Hold Clues to the Universe’s Densest Matter)
"Figure 1: Gravitational waves generated by mergers between two neutron stars could reveal the creation of free quarks through such mergers. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/CI Lab" ( Quark Matter: Gravitational Waves Hold Clues to the Universe’s Densest Matter)
Neutrons are forming of two down quarks and one up quark. That means there are strings between those quarks and gluons are traveling in those strings. When those neutrons start to spin. Those strings and gluons are interacting with gravitational waves. Or when those three quarks are spinning inside the neutron's shell those strings are traveling through the Higgs field. And that thing forms very small whirls in that quantum field. Another interaction will happen when the strings are cutting the gravitational waves. In some models, two neutrons that orbit each other can use to create new, yet unknown particles.
In this model, the quantum field is traveling through those quarks, and the strings between those quarks are acting like wires in the water. That thing can form whirls that can turn into particles. We can say that material is gluon soup. And it's hard to detect those extremely small particles. The problem is that those particles are sending so thin wavelengths that they are missing under turbulence.
The universe's densest material the neutron or quark soup can offer the possibility to create a new type of material "neutron graphene". Neutron graphene is a theoretical type of material. Where neutrons are forming 2D material like graphene. The 2D neutron structure will be stronger than any other material type.
Otherwise, the neutron material will be extremely heavy. One teaspoon of such material weighs several hundred billion kilograms. That means the 2D structure of that material which means one neutron layer is important for making the structure lighter.
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