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Quantum technology brings new threats but also new possibilities.
Single-photon imaging technology can make quantum data transportation safer than ever before.
Breaking the quantum data transportation is the theoretically easy thing. The particle will superposition in the laser ray that transports data. And the sensor detects the changes in the energy level in that superposition. This type of eavesdrop can avoid if the data transportation qubits have serial numbers.
That means the system can have the data transportation qubits and only the numbered qubits. And if the system has let's say 7 layer qubits, or otherwise saying qubits that have 7 states. There can be security states between those layers or states.
That means the qubit has layers 0-6(Calculation of qubit layers begins always from 0). The most out layer can use as the security state. And there can be "public layers" (4 and 5). Then there can be another security layer (layer 3). And layers 1 and 2 transport the highest secured data. If the security layers are missing the system detects that somebody is trying to read qubits without permission.
The single-photon imaging technology is important if research wants to make more secured and more effective data transport protocols. If the system operators can store data in single photons they can send them in the laser ray to the target. This method can call selective photonic data transportation the key element is that all photons are not transporting data. Most of them are so-called "white noise" that is not containing data. And that makes breaking that data security extremely difficult.
Breaking the quantum encrypting happens by stealing qubits from the flow. If the system uses traveling photons for the data transportation the highjacking of those photons is possible by using the superpositioned and entangled photons or electrons. When a photon hits that particle it raises the energy level of that particle. But the qubit which hits that antenna is lost. And the loss of the qubit can recognize. The idea is that if the operators notice that qubit is stolen the system will be alarmed.
We must prepare for the quantum attack.
The robot bugs can break data security very effectively.
The fact is that the robot bugs are opening new doors for hackers to systems, that are previously secured. The robot bug can fly to the microchip. And then it can put its antenna to the data transportation wire. The robot bug can upload captured data to the receiving station that is mounted in the small quadcopter.
The quadcopters can fly in the ventilation tube and then travel to the computer hall. And the last one will send the robot bug to the microchip. That robot bug can also get its electricity from the microchip.
The quadcopters can wait in the ventilation channels and make the chains where data is traveling in the laser ray. So the system can transmit data to a satellite which relays it to the supercomputer center. The laser ray can also transmit energy to the system.
But the quantum systems are even more effective.
The fact is that quantum systems are endangered the security of the entire internet. And if we are thinking of the RSA-based cryptology that thing is at the end of its road. The advantage of quantum computing is so fast that more and more countries can produce those systems.
The superpositioned and entangled particle can read regular data from optic cables. If the users of that system know the position of the microchips they can use the superpositioned and entangled for capturing data straight from the microprocessor.
There are probably made experiments to eavesdrop on the data transmissions in the optic cable by using radar. When the radio wave travels through the optic fiber the energy of the laser ray will transfer to the radio impulse. And the radio receiver can detect the changes in the energy level in the radio wave. This type of system can steal data from the optic fibers. After the data is collected. It can be driven to quantum computers for code-breaking catastrophe.
The problem with that system is this. The energy of the radio waves is transferring to photons of the laser ray. That means the laser ray will turn too high energetic. And the system can notice that. If we are thinking of this kind of situation, the thing that eavesdropping has detected makes it possible to change the plans.
But the thing is that the RSA-based cryptology must update. And that thing should happen very soon. Quantum computers can break any code that is made by using binary computers very fast. Securing data against new threats is extremely urgent.
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