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How can we create a cheaper internet that provides easy access to data for every person on Earth?

One of the most interesting visions for making the world wide web is to use the same ultra-sensitive technology used in the ELINT satellites. That technology means that the satellites have ultra-powerful receivers and data transmitters that can make contact with WLAN cards of computers and other mobile devices. That solution doesn't require land-based installation. 

Only the powerful two-way communication system in satellites is enough. And that system is the cheapest possible solution for making the world wide web that covers every position on Earth. 

The powerful amplifiers and data transmitters make it possible. The satellite system can make the connection with regular mobile telephones and laptop computers. 

And the only investments are needed are the satellites. The existing electronic intelligence satellites on the stationary orbiter can be equipped only with transmitters that have enough power. And that makes the dream of free data possible. 

But the problem is that there is the possibility that the operators of the satellites can select data transmitted through its systems. In that case, the major part of international data will go through the hands of a couple of operators. And opportunity makes thieves. If some single operator controls the major part of the Internet that will cause temptation for removing embarrassing data from the network. 

That allows making the gate to the internet worldwide. In that case, the connection can make from other places than the cities. That allows new routes for security and research. This kind of system can communicate with people even in the middle of the rainforest. And it makes things like research of the frontiers safer. But it opens new visions in the sectors of education and business for people who are living in Africa and Asia. 

Wireless applications are the only possible things to make the worldwide internet possible. The system must base the fixed stations that are protected against vandalism. The difference between that system and some helicopter base hovering systems is that this solution is meant to be stable. 

Another and more conventional answer for this problem is to use wireless network support stations. Those support stations can be equipped with the satellite-data transmitter. That system can communicate with the satellites. But how to install a large number of relay stations all over the world?

The quadcopters can also be used to make stable solutions in the data networks. In the simplest version, the quadcopter is equipped with a mobile support station. Those support stations can deliver from aircraft and then they can just connect themselves with electric wires and to things like trees. 

In more complicated versions, the system can use quadcopters for installing those stations in the places. In the first, those support stations are dropped from aircraft, and then the quadcopters that have the manipulator's arms can get those stations and then put them in the right places.  Then those robots can connect those stations to the electric network. 

There is possible to create the many types of solutions that are basing the independently operating network support station. In some stations every each support station is communicating straight with satellites. But in other visions, each of the support stations is communicating with each other by using laser communication systems. That kind of system can collect other data like pollution. And if there are surveillance cameras for denying the steal those systems the same cameras can transmit data of the animals and weather etc. 

Those stations can use solar panels or they can use any other power source. The use of nuclear batteries is problematic because some criminals or terrorists might want to steal the highly radioactive material from those systems. So that system must make without using nuclear power. 

If those WLAN communication stations are connected with the electric network, that system can also use data electricity. Data electricity means that the data is transported inside the normal electric network along with the electricity. 

The ability to use wireless electric transmission where is transmitted data and electricity at the same time can make a revolution in that kind of thing. In that case, only the part of the support stations is using an internal power source. 

And others will get the electricity wirelessly. In that kind of system, there can be an airborne support system that bases the blimps or satellites. When the battery of the data station goes low, it sends a signal to a balloon or satellite and then that system sends the high-power maser transmission to the antenna of the station. 





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