Microscopic wormholes are theoretically possible
What is the form of the wormhole?
Are the wormholes the series of electrons or quantum-size black holes, what are under the same power field or singularity?
Is the wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge the channel where electrons or series of the quantum-size black holes are under one single quantum field or singularity? And if that is true, that means this quantum tube is surrounded by the entanglement of quantum particles like electrons. In that case, the electrons inside the channel would rotate in the same direction.
So what is the wormhole? It's like the lightning or line of electrons or gravitons or rather saying the quantum size black holes, the particles in that channel are transmitting extremely powerful energy levels. When the electrons are turning into black holes, they are superpositioning themselves to other particles.
So when the super-energy electrons start to make the line between the universe, their quantum fields are connecting. The wormhole would be the line of electrons, that are inside a common quantum field. The system works that the electrons in the electron chain are rotating sideways to each other.
So the electrons are like pearls in the necklace, and they are rotating as they would be in the wire. Then the particles around that electron chain would start to turn superposition and make the quantum entanglement. But in that case, the series of particles are forming the situation that quantum entanglement in the channel is broken. The fermions in the channel are rotating in the same direction, and that thing causes the situation, where the electrons are moving particle to the direction, where they are rotating.
And that electron line would be surrounded by superpositioned and quantum entanglement particles, which is pumping energy to those electrons. There are many things, those microscopic wormholes can do, if they exist.
Image: https://phys.org/news/2021-03-microscopic-wormholes-theory.html
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Microscopic wormholes are making secure communication and the new type of weapon and recon systems possible. (If they exist)
Even microscopic-size wormholes are fundamental things. If artificial microscopic wormholes can be done, that thing would revolutionize communication but also those things can make it possible to make the most fundamental weapons and other equipment, what mankind ever imagined.
What would you do with a microscopic wormhole? Those wormholes are the channels between place, time, and dimensions, and they are bringing particles like photons through them from long distances if they are possible. The wormhole can transmit protons, neutrons, and electrons in long distances.
So the microscopic wormholes would be acting like optic fiber, and they can transmit images even from other solar systems. So, in theory, humans can send the probe to another solar system, and that thing will transmit data and some samples by using a wormhole.
In that case in the laboratory will create two black holes, that are synchronized to the same frequency, and then the system would transmit data to Earth from great distances. The wormholes would make it possible to make secure communication between long distances. That system allows interconnecting the quantum computers around the world and makes the fast communication between Earth and some probe, what is traveling to another solar system.
But there is the possibility that the small drone, what can make the quantum-size black hole in the ring-shaped structure would slip in the targeted room, and then make the camera obscura, which can transmit the data from that room.
By using the guided wormhole is possible to capture data from the electric-optical fibers, and search things from surfaces from a long distance. Theoretically, this thing is very simple to do. The drone must make the electron-size wormhole by chancing electrons into a black hole, which is synchronized with some other black hole, that is transmitting data to the receiver.
The thing with wormholes is that they might look like some optical cable. But they can transmit also material like protons, and if the wormholes can be made, that thing allows to send the ions or antimatter to the target, and that thing would open new and terrifying ways to use the directed energy weapons or weaponize antimatter.
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