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Interconnected single-atoms can form the quantum brains
The thing is that by using single atoms, or even the smaller particles is possible to make the structure, that emulates human brains. In that case, the chained electrons are forming the quantum wires, what are acting like axons. And the quantum field inside the atoms might be acting like membranes of the neurons.
That thing can be form thing, called atomic brains, which could be the most advancing and intelligent thing in the universe. Interconnecting brains would seem very interesting and fascinating, but the little-known fact is that the photons, the particles of the light can also position to a similar formation with atoms.
The idea of subatomic computers like photon and fermion computers are the same. When the energy level of the central particles of the neural structure is increasing their quantum field would grow.
And when the energy level of the center particles is decreasing, that thing would decrease the size of that quantum field. So the quantum field is acting as the membrane of the cell in those systems. The creation of that kind of system is difficult but possible. The idea of the positioning of the photons in certain places is taken from quantum cryptology, where data transfers over the entangled photons. And that thing can make it possible to create hologram brains.
The quantum neural network structure of atomic, photon, and fermion brains is always similar. The heaviest particles are forming the center of the nervous structure or quantum neural network. And the wave movement or lighter particles are transporting data. The change of the size of the quantum field of the center particles is acting like the membrane of the neurons.
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The hologram brains (Photon brains)
In the hologram- or photon brains the system is created by using the holograms, where the photons, particles of light are positioned in a stable place in the chamber. The structure of the brains would be the internally positioned holograms. The holograms make it possible to create and remove the entanglements between photons.
And that thing can be used to create the brains, what is forming of light. The idea is that every single atomic and subatomic particle can make superpositions and entanglements. The function of the photon-brains would adjust by using the changes of the brightness of the hologram.
If the brightness of the single photons can be adjusted, that would mean that the energy fields around photons would be acting like the membrane of neurons, and the wave movement between photons are acting as the axons. That kind of thing might be possible to create in the future.
Fermion brains
The last and the second interesting idea of artificial brains would be the fermion brains. In that system is possible to use protons and electrons. In that case, the electrons would transfer the data between protons. But also electrons can create the computer structure.
The electrons would make the brain structure, and the photons or wave movement would transport data between those particles. The electrons can put in a similar formation with photons or atoms, and that thing makes it possible to create the ultimate computing system.
When the energy level in electrons is rising, the expanding quantum field would be acting like a membrane of neurons. This kind of things are interesting, and the ability to make the ultimate quantum supercomputer by using photons or electrons and protons is an interesting idea because it would be the most powerful computers in the world, The ability of those systems are incredible, and theoretically, they can be more intelligent than a human.
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