In the year 2525 (psychological interpretation)
Above this text is the same music video as the previous text. The film can be thought to be the symbol of memory. So at the beginning is the bad thing, what happens to the person. The memory would condensate that thing in the distorted form. There was the city, where was the factory and overpopulation.
The first memories that a person would get are stored deep inside the memory. There are difficulties in finding those memories because the neural tracks to them are not used. The fact is that those memories can return even if the person would not remember those things right away. Memory is built to protect the person.
There are some memories, like fear typical of the species, that transfer from parents to descendants. The DNA would code those memories in the first neurons of the nervous systems. Those memories or other instinctive functions are making the base for other memories and skills.
And there is one so-called "doomsday hypothesis" that some mad scientists are the first to cloning those neurons and then reprogramming them by using electric shocks or synthetic DNA and then inject them into the nervous tube. That thing can make it possible to manipulate hereditary fear and other conditions.
The thing is that every image is stored in memory is not sharp. They are the symbols. And those symbols can be activated by using certain symbols. But finding the symbol, that activates memory is difficult because that symbol must activate certain neural tracks. The thing is that every image is stored in memory is not sharp. They are the symbols. Maybe the city is overpopulated or maybe the family had too many children. The fact is that the same function would have different purposes and one image will fit many other than just one thing. The image would reactivate the missing neural connections in the brain.
So the memory could go like this: At first, a person smells something dirty. Then the person would transfer to some new place, where was maybe the mental institution. Moving in the ambulance could be like moving in aircraft. At first, memories are simple, but then they would get more details when the new connections between the neurons are found, and there are many new details, that are returning to mind. Things that a person remembers from those places were pills, and that means that memories are always reduced. The changes of the city images are things, that are covering the memories.
The new houses are new memories and the old houses are so-called "golden memories", things that a person must or wants to remember. There will happen many things, and there would bring new memories for covering the original memories. But then the things that happened in the past are returning to memory. The triumphal arc means that somewhere in the memory cells is the answer, why something happened in younghood.
Then the thing would cause a question, what would a person do? The lonely robots, who are standing in the middle of nowhere alone are the person, who would face the truth. Nothing stands forever. The robot creature might symbolize the person who is following orders. The superiors are telling what to do, and then suddenly the person is alone under the blinking starlight. The heart on the chest of the robot is the beloved memory, and the past ever comes back. But ever is too late to change the track.
Past is past and future is future. We must realize that everything has meaning. There are no meanless things in the world. When we are thinking about memories, we are facing one thing. We should only see one thing and listen to one world. That causes that memories are starting to fill our heads or consciousness. A certain image would be acting as the trigger and that trigger makes the situation, that neurons will start to find the lost contacts.
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