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Spirits and scientific research
Spirits and merchandise
Statistics should uncover is the merchandise cause the increasing number of accidents and deaths like suicide. But at the first we should see is some doll or something like that mentioned in the list of merchandise, what have found in the house under some scary things.
We always hear stories about demons and wicked merchandise, where the soul of some people has been captured. So are those stories fiction, that's a good question. We might hope so, but then we can take those cases, where demons are started to possess some people, under the scientific research.
In that kind of case, we must look at the statistics, is that merchandise like house or object causing the extraordinary level of suicides or mental illness. In those cases, we must realize, that there must be some kind of anomalies in the curve of statistics if the thing is cursed. And then we must realize that there are many tales about houses, where live ghosts. When we would start to research that kind of thing, we should find out, what is happening, and are things that are happen connected to a certain place or certain merchandise.
Does the object cause PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)?
If they are connected to some physical object, there is a possibility, that those symptoms are flashbacks. If the child has faced violence, that thing causes PTSD (1) in the same way with the other violent things. And flashbacks are causing sometimes violent behavior. In this case, the thing might be caused by some violent case, where the child has been tempted to the house and then violated.
And before we are starting to make any kind of decisions about this kind of thing, we must prove that the persons who are claimed to be victims of the curse are owned that merchandise. Then we must find out what happened before the strange things started to happen? Was somebody told the story about a wicked doll or other merchandise? And is the tale required that the curse would start to work?
Wicked dolls
When we are looking like things like wicked dolls, we can take the most well-known case, where the merchandise is told to be cursed. That kind of thing is the tale about the dolls, what are claimed as wicked. Those dolls are well-known, because of the horror movies, and when we are looking at them closer, we must realize, that they are quite expensive dolls. Those dolls are made by using expensive materials, which means that they are not ordinary gifts.
If we are thinking about ceramic dolls, there is one thing, that makes them extraordinary. The layer of those dolls is tough and slight, and that means that it would not please the children. Children normally like soft and warm things, and that's why that kind of gifts are not normally pleasing them. And ceramic items would be broken while the child is playing with them. There is a possibility that the bites of the enamel of the doll are loosing to the floors and that can cause injuries.
When we are thinking about the real-life "Annabelle", (2) what is stored in one museum, what homepage is in the link below this text, we must understand that the doll is quite "different" than a normal doll. The front teeth are like straight from the "cheaters manual". And the doll seems to sit in the toilet, where is the cross.
Are some dolls meant to show, how expensive gifts parents would give to children (3)?
This thing brings in my mind one thing, what might interest the people. Are those expensive dolls in the rack, what is too high for the child? That means that the child would not take that doll self. The other person must give that thing to the child and is that thing meant to show, how expensive gifts those people give to their child.
So are the cursed items things that the cheater would get? If we are thinking about that merchandise, they cannot be used as the toys at all, and that means that they are only the decoration. This might cause a really big disappointment in the mind of the child. And is the reason for the gift only the need to show, how wealthy is the family? Or is there some scary background, what we even cannot imagine?
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