Rudolf Meidner and his relationship with Palme
Why Meidner said that the ownership of 52% was suitable for employees? Why not 68-70%?
Rudolf Meidner introduced an idea, that the workers, who would work in the certain-size companies would be allowed to buy the stocks of the company, by using the funds, what is put for the workers, who would buy the parts of the company by using the focused stock selling (1). And after 20 years the workers would own 52% of the company. So where Meidner took that number? Why he didn't use numbers 60-70%? Why 52% was suitable ownership? This is one of the most interesting things in the Meidner-Rehn model, which is called market-economical socialism.
The idea of this model was that the workers would feel more responsible for their work, but many people said, that those funds would be a dangerous step to socialism. And as I have written before in Finnish, there is a one really interesting thing, and that is that China is following this model or has adapted a part of the Meidner model to its economy. I have written this thing in here:
The role of Olof Palme (1927-1986) in those funds
Were the powerful demonstrations of the entrepreneurs in the early 1980s caused that some unstable person shot Palme? This thing is hard to prove because there are not convictions about this case. And that means the murder of Palme is still unsolved.
But let's go tho think about the relationship with Meidner and Olof Palme. The prime minister of Sweden, who was supporting Meidner and his model. The thing, why the employers were resisted the model, what Meidner created was that it would turn the Economical model of Sweden to socialist. But there was one really interesting thing, and that thing is that this kind of ownership would be brought workers to the same table with employers, and that thing could uncover something, what those people didn't want other people to say.
So the thing that makes this thing very interesting is that the funds for employees were supported also the man named Casimir Ernroth in Finland. That man was one of the most influential men in the Finnish industry. And the support for those funds was a surprise for everybody. But then we have forgotten that Enroth might be thought that other people would fall those funds, even if they were operating in his own company.
And when Palme was taken the seat as the prime minister in the early 1980s the social democratic party began that program, but the party was not united. There was resistance in the government, and some people thought that the support, that Palme gave to those funds was not unlimited. Sometimes I have thought, that in many of those cases the supporters would expect that some other person would fall that kind of thing. Olof Palme was murdered in 1986, and the case is still open.
There are many speculations about the murderer, and there have been many speculations about this case, and one is that those funds have caused the death of Palme because the demonstrations were so powerful, and some people, who had some kind of emotional touch with those things shot Palme. But had Palme something to do with those funds, except he permitted to establish them? But there are many other theories about this case. And the powerful demonstrations are feeding the fantasies and hallucinations of the people, who have an unstable mind.
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