Is this image of Andromeda galaxy or Epsilon Eridani?
There is claiming that the galaxy, what is above this text is too yellow being the Andromada Galaxy. So is it the image of the Epsilon Eridani, what it mistakenly named as the Andromeda galaxy? There is a possibility, that there is happened some kind of mistake, when people have given names for the objects, what are seen in the images. That thing would not a very big mistake, and maybe this image is Andromeda Galaxy.
One interesting detail of this image of the galaxy is that we don't know is this image portraying the Andromeda galaxy or is it the star, what is surrounding by the dust and ice. That means that the image of the young star might look like a galaxy. Those things are really interesting, and there is a possibility, that even the people, who are working for the government make mistakes.
Epsilon Eridani is a young star, what is surrounding by dust and ice, which means that the measurement of the brightness of that star is difficult. This means that Epsilon Eridani might be a little bit brighter than we have thought.
And the thing is that there is a possibility, that the young star would travel inside the cosmic molecule nebula, which means that the star can be younger than it's planets. This is one thing, that has been forgotten to mention when we are talking about the stars and their brightness. Epsilon Eridani was another object, where were send the "Ozma message", but astronomers have thought that the star is too young for advanced civilizations.
When we are thinking about the images, what has been taken from the universe, we are facing one very interesting detail, and that is what we have is that we have given names for the objects by giving the value, how well they are visible in Europe. And that means that things like Magellan's cloud are not very well known outside the society of the Astronomers.
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