The short tale of the Evolution
We are always told that the human being is on the top of Evolution, and the evolution road to for our species has been very long. This might be true, but then we have forgotten something, what might seem meanless, but if we are looking at that thing carefully, we are facing, that we are not only species on the Earth what has been existed from the beginning of the Cambrian period. Or actually, we are not being existed from that far, but we are advanced from the animals and cells, what has been lived in the Cambrian ocean far in the past.
This is a really impressive performance, that we have faced advantage from the single-cell organism to the "master of nature", and even we are masters of nature, we are still addicted to our planet. The advancing means that we have made many things, which are not so positive, even they are advanced. This is the thing what we should realize when we are using our brains. Everything that we have done is not positive, and until now people have not cared a thing about nature or some rain forests.
In the early 20th century the only way how people should live was the European lifestyle and also the American way to live is one version of the European way of life, even we don't want to look at that thing that way. But let's go back to evolution, and what we have forgotten. The major thing, what we don't mention is that vegetables like trees have also advanced from the Cambrian ocean, where the first bacteria tried to survive in the chemical environment, what was a little bit different than modern atmosphere and oceans.
The evolution for those trees, what we see on our yard is so long as the evolution of human being. That thing is what we should remember when we are thinking about Evolution. When we are thinking about the first organisms on the Earth, we must understand something, the oxygen was poison for those organisms. This thing caused the first mass destruction of the organisms on the Earth. The oxygen or sharper to say, the free oxygen burned those organisms.
When we are transforming this thing to the cosmo-biology, we must realize that the chemical environment of the organisms, what would live another planet or moon would have a different kind of chemical environment, then we have on Earth. That means that the chemical environment on Earth might be so hostile for those organisms as their environment would be for organisms, what are living on Eart.
And then we are forgetting that there are so-called archean bacteria, what is living in conditions, where the every each organism would die in seconds. Those bacteria have been located in nuclear waste, volcanic eruption holes, and geysers. If we are thinking about the cells, what might live on the very hot planets, they would not have mitochondria at all.
Those organisms can get their energy from the volcanic thermal. Mitochondria, what is giving energy for every each eukaryotic cell on this planet is interesting cell organ, what is one kind of virus or Rickettsia, what is living in the cells. That cell organ needs cells for living, but they are independent organisms, what has own genomes, and researching those genomes, we might get information, what kind of organisms lived on our planet in the Cambrian period.
The chemical environment in the cell is something, what has been researched for finding out, what kind of place was the ocean, where the first organisms have been formed. And when the mitochondria are connected to those cells the cells could move away from the influence of the volcanic spring, because that thing needs the ability to create energy for the chemical reactions in the cell independently.
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