Elon Musk and nuking Mars-planet and terraformation of other words
Elon Musk has introduced an idea, that we would nuke planet Mars, but the thing is that if we would want to just remove our nukes by exploding them the Sun would be better placed for that kind of an operation because the influence of those explosives would be minimum in that case. But in the case of terraforming the red planet, the nukes would be an effective way to sterilize the core of that planet.
The thing is that if we would like to terraform some other planet and live on its surface as we have lived on Earth, we must realize that there would be a problem with that thing. That problem is the primitive lifeforms, what can live on that planet, and one version of those lifeforms might be lifeform, what has been traveled on that world with a badly sterilized space probe. That thing can cause the evolution, that the bacteria would turn dangerous.
The problem of that thing would be the nuclear winter and a huge cloud of dust on that planet, which means that the increasing the carbon dioxide level on the atmosphere would take longer in that case. So nuking planet Mars would not have hoped effect. The thing is that before we can begin the terraformation, we must be sure, that there would not be any bacteria, what can cause infections.
But that thing is ahead in the distant future. If we would want to nuke some planet and hope to do something positive, we might think planet Venus. On the surface of that planet, the extreme nuclear winter might have a good effect and that would be a positive thing for hypothetical colonization of the planet Venus. But the radioactive cloud and waste would be problematic, and that's why we should forget those ideas of nuking some planets. But what kind of process the terraformation of the planet Venus could be?
Mars has very weak gravity and the problem is that the atmosphere would escape to space. And that's why the terraformation of Mars is quite difficult. So in the point of view of the stabilizing the atmosphere, Venus would be a more suitable planet for terraformation than Mars, because of stronger gravity guarantees that the atmosphere would not escape to space.
The planet Venus would have similar gravity field with Earth, and the problem is the extreme heat in the atmosphere of that planet. The idea would be simple, the carbon dioxide atmosphere would be filtered by using chemical filter and bacteria, what isolates oxygen from the carbon dioxide. And the level of the radiation would be decreased by using some big asteroid or mylar layer, which denies the sunlight from the planet.
Those layers could be like solar sails, but their mission would decrease the level of sunlight. And on the atmosphere would send the laboratories, what is connected with airships. In those laboratories would be grown the photosynthetic bacteria and cells, what mission is to increase the oxygen level on the atmosphere of planet Venus. Also, the sulfur eating bacteria, what would terminate the sulfur acid from the clouds of Venus, and the mylar layers would decrease the level of radiation, that the surface temperature of Venus would be decreased.
Sometimes I think that maybe someday in the future, would many other planets terraformed, and some of them might be members of other solar systems. In those cases, the surface of the planets might be sterilized by using high-power microwaves, because that denies the infections of the dangerous bacteria. But in those cases, we must feel a very great responsibility, because if we would create the new Earth, should we continue our lifestyle in that new same way as people have done on Earth.
What if there are some primitive but at the same way intelligent habitants? Should we play god to them and give every kind of technology in their hands, or wait that they could learn to make things on their own? This is the problem in the colonization of the Universe. But it is also been a problem with the relationship with Europeans and native people on the Earth.
And somebody has introduced a nice idea, that the human race is some kind of primitive villain on the Universe, and humanoids would follow, how we advancing. Maybe that is true maybe not, but this is one thing, what we should think if we someday will travel to the stars. In those cases, we could be the superior humanoids for some primitive humanoid race, and that's the thing, what we should think. Should we play god or let those beings alone? And should we destroy things like asteroids what are threating those aliens?
Elon Musk has introduced an idea, that we would nuke planet Mars, but the thing is that if we would want to just remove our nukes by exploding them the Sun would be better placed for that kind of an operation because the influence of those explosives would be minimum in that case. But in the case of terraforming the red planet, the nukes would be an effective way to sterilize the core of that planet.
The thing is that if we would like to terraform some other planet and live on its surface as we have lived on Earth, we must realize that there would be a problem with that thing. That problem is the primitive lifeforms, what can live on that planet, and one version of those lifeforms might be lifeform, what has been traveled on that world with a badly sterilized space probe. That thing can cause the evolution, that the bacteria would turn dangerous.
The problem of that thing would be the nuclear winter and a huge cloud of dust on that planet, which means that the increasing the carbon dioxide level on the atmosphere would take longer in that case. So nuking planet Mars would not have hoped effect. The thing is that before we can begin the terraformation, we must be sure, that there would not be any bacteria, what can cause infections.
But that thing is ahead in the distant future. If we would want to nuke some planet and hope to do something positive, we might think planet Venus. On the surface of that planet, the extreme nuclear winter might have a good effect and that would be a positive thing for hypothetical colonization of the planet Venus. But the radioactive cloud and waste would be problematic, and that's why we should forget those ideas of nuking some planets. But what kind of process the terraformation of the planet Venus could be?
Mars has very weak gravity and the problem is that the atmosphere would escape to space. And that's why the terraformation of Mars is quite difficult. So in the point of view of the stabilizing the atmosphere, Venus would be a more suitable planet for terraformation than Mars, because of stronger gravity guarantees that the atmosphere would not escape to space.
Those layers could be like solar sails, but their mission would decrease the level of sunlight. And on the atmosphere would send the laboratories, what is connected with airships. In those laboratories would be grown the photosynthetic bacteria and cells, what mission is to increase the oxygen level on the atmosphere of planet Venus. Also, the sulfur eating bacteria, what would terminate the sulfur acid from the clouds of Venus, and the mylar layers would decrease the level of radiation, that the surface temperature of Venus would be decreased.
Sometimes I think that maybe someday in the future, would many other planets terraformed, and some of them might be members of other solar systems. In those cases, the surface of the planets might be sterilized by using high-power microwaves, because that denies the infections of the dangerous bacteria. But in those cases, we must feel a very great responsibility, because if we would create the new Earth, should we continue our lifestyle in that new same way as people have done on Earth.
What if there are some primitive but at the same way intelligent habitants? Should we play god to them and give every kind of technology in their hands, or wait that they could learn to make things on their own? This is the problem in the colonization of the Universe. But it is also been a problem with the relationship with Europeans and native people on the Earth.
And somebody has introduced a nice idea, that the human race is some kind of primitive villain on the Universe, and humanoids would follow, how we advancing. Maybe that is true maybe not, but this is one thing, what we should think if we someday will travel to the stars. In those cases, we could be the superior humanoids for some primitive humanoid race, and that's the thing, what we should think. Should we play god or let those beings alone? And should we destroy things like asteroids what are threating those aliens?
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