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Horus, one of the eldest gods of ancient Egypt
Is the image over the head of Horus the sun, some other red star, grapefruit or watermelon? That's an interesting question.
Above this text is the image of Horus, one of the gods of ancient Egypt, and there is a couple of remarkable details of the stories about this god and this image. Above this character, what portrays Horus, is the red ring, where is an overhang on the left side of it, and this red ring or the ball is claimed to portray the red star, like a red dwarf. Somebody sees this red ring as the red giant star, and that is the reason, why some people have believed that Horus came from another planet. Other people see something else in this red area.
Some people see that red area as the grapefruit or watermelon, and those fruits would be extremely important because they are a good source for the vitamin C. Without C-vitamin the people would get scurvy, and if the army would have this disease, they could not fight. Those fruits are good vitamin source, and the juice, what those fruits product is good to drink in the hot desert. That juice would be easy to store, and it would keep a crew of pharaoh wealthy.
Horus-god is one of the eldest Egyptian gods and the tale about the born of this god has many similarities with Jesus. That makes Horus very interesting character, and when we are thinking the virginal born of this god, and the character as the human, what has the head of the Eagle, we must remember that if that character portrays some high-ranking official of ancient Egypt, the real identity of this person would know the only couple of persons.
That means that when some people talked about "Horus", the official would take the notebook from the pocket, and looks at who this "Horus" is in this time. So that thing, that the Egyptian gods were portrayed with heads of animals made possible to hide their identity, and maybe the "god" meant something or somebody, who has extreme superior of power in that society.
But when we are thinking that Horus was born virginal way, we must remember one of the most important rules in the research. That rule is that we just cannot expect something if we haven't considered all sides of the story, and maybe there are something explanations of this character, which makes this character more natural than some space aliens. And the thing, what we must realize is that is it possible that the Horus is born as the test tube child.
This thing is that if we would want to create pharaoh, who has no connections with regular people, we would create the artificial child, who would plant and born from some animal. The thing is that the immune defense of animals like cows can be destroyed, and that would be guaranteed that the pharaoh doesn't have a relationship with families or anybody who is outside of place. That makes easier to control that person. But this writing is only the thinking about things like, what made pharaoh so special?
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