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Michelangelo's famous fresco "The Creation of Adam"
One of the most mythical characters in the Holy Bible is the thing, what is called as God. What and who this thing was? When we are thinking that God is the abstraction and astral character, we must ask a couple of questions about that character. The thing, what makes that character interesting, that at the beginning of the Holy Bible in the Old Testament God would take part in human life personally. In the New Testament God has transferred the power to his son. And the other thing is that this character, what has the absolute power on the Earth would allow, that the kings and rulers would act as they want, and not a single lightning would strike to them.
But in other cases, the punishment would be extremely strict, if somebody would break the orders of God by the minimum way. When we are thinking about the case of the wife of Lot, that woman made very small broke, and the punishment was to turn to the salt statue. And in the cases of Sodom and Gomorrah, the hate of God destroyed entire cities, what was not do anything, what was not happen in other cities. By using modern language, God used nanomachines or artificial Sandstrom to destroying those cities, and the crime was sodomy.
That thing is that sometimes the term "loving father" would not s fit to God. And the thing is that somehow, that thing wanted to hide his face and identity. Another thing is that, why God didn't help Jesus on the last day? Why he didn't use mind control or some other force to make Pilates give the little bit softer punishment. But those things are only thoughts, what I have thought about this mythical power.
Have you noticed that Michelangelo's famous fresco "The Creation of Adam" contains the structure, what looks like human brains, and God seems to be in there? Or the creature, what is thought to portrait the God, and this thing is very interesting because, in the time of Michelangelo, the portraying precisely God would cause very big troubles, and the question is, how Michelangelo got his idea for this fresco? When we are looking at the structure, where God is, and when we are comparing it to images, what are portraying human brains, we must understand, that somebody must show the brains to Michelangelo, and this thing is really interesting.
Of course, Michelangelo would know that things like thinking are connected to something, what is inside the human head, but how he knew how thinking is connected to an organ, what is inside the skull. And what that artist mentioned, when he painted the touch of the god, what would transfer the life to the character, what is named as "Adam".
The thing is that in the time of Michelangelo in the 16th century there were no anatomy books, what could be bought from the shops, and maybe many people didn't even know things like an autopsy, or what is found inside the human body. So why Michelangelo painted that structure? The thing what makes that painting interesting is that "Adm" is naked, and those things were not at least more acceptable than in modern time.
Even in modern times, the naked image in the Church is not a very "common" thing, so why Michelangelo dared to make that fresco on the roof of Sistine Chapel in Vatican state? Could it be possible that Michelangelo thought that the god was spoken to people through the brains? And the thing is that the thought might be that only a couple of people were spoken with people by using the words, what god was given to them. This would be the way to think in the time of Michelangelo.
How we would transform those words in modern language? That thing would be that the alien would implant some people, who were the handlers of the aliens, who would use those people as the "human radios". But of course, that thing might feel to get a little bit too far.
The idea of this fresco might be that some character would take a person under the control, and use that body as a tool, but what that character would be? What we are calling as God, is the thing, what we should think very careful? The question is, why the name of that character should not say? And if a person would not be allowed to say that word without the reason, what would be the reason to ask God, or say the name of that thing? This is the thoughts, what this painting has brought in my mind.
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