The Men In Black
First, those creatures what are called as MIB:s might feel have magic powers but then we might see, that the subliminal command systems and quadcopters, what have the loudspeaker-microphone combination might make the effect of the psychic powers. That kind of things is really easy to make if the creator has the right knowledge and ability to get the right stuff like small size LRAD systems and the quadcopters, what have the ability to shoot sodium amytal arrows.
There are stories about the sunglasses of the Men In Black, that they are equipped with special screens, which are flashing with the same frequency with the human brains alpha wave EEG. In this case, those sunglasses might actually have LCD-screens in both sides, and the cameras on the frames and that thing would make possible to make the system. That system would make impossible to resist those mysterious creatures, what are the famous part of the UFO myth.
If the stroboscope would synchronize to the alpha wave of the human EEG, that will cause the epileptic symptoms and that will make those people really hard to resist. And also those mysterious agents of whatever they are claimed to have some kind of SONAR-based weapons, what mission is to order people by using infra-sound. When we are thinking about the subliminal or electromagnetic ordering systems, they might feel like some kind of psychic powers.
When we are talking about the MIB:s those creatures are claimed to be the agents of NSA or CIA. And sometimes those almost mythical creatures, what might have psychic powers would know things about inmates, what they have hidden from other people. But those things are able to get by using a really simple thing. Only the drone or quadcopter, what uses sodium amytal arrows and the loudspeaker-microphone combination would get that information.
First, those creatures what are called as MIB:s might feel have magic powers but then we might see, that the subliminal command systems and quadcopters, what have the loudspeaker-microphone combination might make the effect of the psychic powers. That kind of things is really easy to make if the creator has the right knowledge and ability to get the right stuff like small size LRAD systems and the quadcopters, what have the ability to shoot sodium amytal arrows.
There are stories about the sunglasses of the Men In Black, that they are equipped with special screens, which are flashing with the same frequency with the human brains alpha wave EEG. In this case, those sunglasses might actually have LCD-screens in both sides, and the cameras on the frames and that thing would make possible to make the system. That system would make impossible to resist those mysterious creatures, what are the famous part of the UFO myth.
If the stroboscope would synchronize to the alpha wave of the human EEG, that will cause the epileptic symptoms and that will make those people really hard to resist. And also those mysterious agents of whatever they are claimed to have some kind of SONAR-based weapons, what mission is to order people by using infra-sound. When we are thinking about the subliminal or electromagnetic ordering systems, they might feel like some kind of psychic powers.
When we are talking about the MIB:s those creatures are claimed to be the agents of NSA or CIA. And sometimes those almost mythical creatures, what might have psychic powers would know things about inmates, what they have hidden from other people. But those things are able to get by using a really simple thing. Only the drone or quadcopter, what uses sodium amytal arrows and the loudspeaker-microphone combination would get that information.
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