Resonance and radiation can be very dangerous things and turn normal buildings very dangerous.
1. When we are making some buildings or other merchandise, we must remember that the construction materials must handle by properly way
I sometimes write about tales, what cannot prove as true, but as you know resonance would break the bones in the human body, but it can also break the other chemical combinations. And this is why resonance is so dangerous.
In some urban legends, somebody has put the bites of bones in the grip of the weapons, and that thing has caused the resonance, what breaks the bones of the shooter. The shock of the explosion would transmit to the hand and the resonance, what comes from the bone bites causes that the bones in hand will be broken.
There is a tale, that in some cases the building has caused Alzheimer because the workers have put the dead flies in concrete. In that story, the concrete has caused the resonance, which will break the myelin in the nervous system. This tale bases the thing, that the myelin would get in the concrete and the echo would give resonance, what will break those fibers in the nervous system.
Colors and paintings are part of the design. There are tales about painters, who have extended white color Bulwer accidentally by using Bulwer, what is made by using bones. That Bulwer has caused the resonance, what has been breaking the bones of the people, who have been inside the building. But let's get back to the myelin.
How those chemicals would get in the paintings accidentally. The thing is simple, somebody just throws dead flies in the concrete or painting, in theory, this thing might cause the dangerous resonance. The thing is that everything can be right or wrong, and this is why people should think when they are executing some wildest ideas, what some avant-garde artists have created.
2. Mirrors are a really good way to make really dangerous rooms
Actually, the laser is the light, what jumps between two mirrors, and there is energy, what is pumped in the tube, where goes in the medium. If the medium is pure like helium, it would give radiation, what is coherent and involves only one wavelength, but if we would fill this tube by using a chemical combination like carbon dioxide, that laser would give two-wavelength light. The carbon dioxide laser is the most powerful laser in the world because it will give its energy by using infrared frequency.
One of the wildest version of the dangerous rooms is the room, what is covered by using mirrors, or where are the mirrors on both sides of the wall. The effect in the room is the same, what happens in the mirror box, what is covered by using bright mirrors, and the light would put inside it. The light starts to jump in the box, and the effect suddenly breaks the lamp.
If the mirrors are at the directly opposite sides on the wall, and somebody puts the light on in the middle of those mirrors, the light would start to jump side to side between those mirrors. This is very dangerous because of the light source increases the level of the radiation and the room can burn because of that effect.
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