Is there something, what is not wanted to tell people about the zombies?
1. Electricity would make muscle cells moving
When Luigi Galvani made severed legs of frogs move by conducting electricity to those limbs. That caused an idea, that the dead people can be wakeup by using electricity. Today we know that the muscle cells operate when neuron would connect electricity to the cells. The muscle cell can operate in a simple way. It can be compressed and decompressed, and those movements are making our every movement.
And there is a spring-shaped molecule, what would impact because of the neural electricity. In theory, this thing would allow creating zombie, or thing what would walk after death. And this might be the modern Frankenstein. When we are thinking the technology, what we would need in that thing, we must say that the artificial medusa can do that horrifying operation.
2. The "zombie soldiers" bases theory about the suit, what would stimulate muscle cells after death
The thing operates by using nanotechnology. The system would cover the targeted inmate, and then the electric wires can turn in the body of that zombie, and start the musculus stimulation. The thing is that the microchips can control the actions of that machine, and this is technically possible.
And there are rumors that some military contractors create the combat suits, where are the wires, what would impact the body of the combatant, and start to give the electric impulses to the muscle cells. Those systems might be the most effective way to control person, and this is one of the most inhumane ways to operate.
3. Are those electric stimulation suits the thing, what people should not know?
The stories about the secret "zombie armies" are still living in the memories of people. There is very little knowledge about the most horrifying human experiments, but it's possible that some military experts have tested the suits, what would make a person operate after death.
There is needed an only camera and remote control system, which will be connected to the electrically stimulate suit. The thing is that the operators must only have a computer connected to the suit, and the computer would use the stimulation system, that it will stimulate the right muscle groups. So are this kind of illegal experiments, the thing, what people should not know?
1. Electricity would make muscle cells moving
When Luigi Galvani made severed legs of frogs move by conducting electricity to those limbs. That caused an idea, that the dead people can be wakeup by using electricity. Today we know that the muscle cells operate when neuron would connect electricity to the cells. The muscle cell can operate in a simple way. It can be compressed and decompressed, and those movements are making our every movement.
And there is a spring-shaped molecule, what would impact because of the neural electricity. In theory, this thing would allow creating zombie, or thing what would walk after death. And this might be the modern Frankenstein. When we are thinking the technology, what we would need in that thing, we must say that the artificial medusa can do that horrifying operation.
2. The "zombie soldiers" bases theory about the suit, what would stimulate muscle cells after death
The thing operates by using nanotechnology. The system would cover the targeted inmate, and then the electric wires can turn in the body of that zombie, and start the musculus stimulation. The thing is that the microchips can control the actions of that machine, and this is technically possible.
And there are rumors that some military contractors create the combat suits, where are the wires, what would impact the body of the combatant, and start to give the electric impulses to the muscle cells. Those systems might be the most effective way to control person, and this is one of the most inhumane ways to operate.
3. Are those electric stimulation suits the thing, what people should not know?
The stories about the secret "zombie armies" are still living in the memories of people. There is very little knowledge about the most horrifying human experiments, but it's possible that some military experts have tested the suits, what would make a person operate after death.
There is needed an only camera and remote control system, which will be connected to the electrically stimulate suit. The thing is that the operators must only have a computer connected to the suit, and the computer would use the stimulation system, that it will stimulate the right muscle groups. So are this kind of illegal experiments, the thing, what people should not know?
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