Did Anunnaki create human race or humans create Anunnaki?
1. What if Anunnaki were humanoids, who created the human race?
This kind of texts is not meant for taken too seriously, and I hope that nobody gets hurt because I write this kind of things. But there is often mentioned the case, that Anunnaki was the ancient alien race, what created humans for operating as the biological robots for themselves. When we are thinking about Anunnaki, that kind of theories is always told to the people, and when we are thinking about the Anunnaki, that kind of things might explain something about our religion.
Why the purpose of human is to serve the god? This is a really big mystery for people, who are searching and research things like the Holy Bible? Sometimes some youngsters are mentioned that God is somehow the very schizophrenic creature because that character is a loving father, but in some cases, the actions of that character are really overscaled.
And when we are thinking about Sodom and Gomorrah, and the tale of the wife of Lot, the punishment, that the person was broken the orders of the god were really steep. So what was the reason, that the god gets angry, and turns two cities in the sand and the wife of Lot to the salt statue? Was it really the reason why God made those actions that somebody saw his faces or just lived some kind of vulgar life?
2. Was Anunnaki created by human?
If we are thinking the case of mystery Anunnaki in the opposite way, we must realize, that the Anunnaki might be the master race, what was created by humans by using the genetic method. In this kind of cases, the ultimate creature might be created by crossing two pure lines of the individuals. Sometimes this method is used for breeding animals like racehorses, and this method is causing always very much critics because the pure lines are made by pandering the genetically close inmates together, what would make the degenerated descendant, but if two of those descendants, what is not a member of the same family would make descendant, that would be genetically strong inmate.
The pure line crossing with humans is strictly prohibited because the system works that the line of the individuals are making the children as long as the entire population would be one, that means that the genetic material would be homogeneous. In the lighter case, the inmates make children with the family members, and then those lines would be connected. That pure line cross would make genetical strong inmates.
It is possible that the Anunnaki was the man-made creatures. That was superior to another human. Maybe those individuals were created to the protecting mankind, but this kind of experiments are allowed, what means that they are not caused critics only happens with the vegetables and by using pure line cross has been possible to create the Rose, what is totally black. Testing that kind of things with animals is always causing protests.
1. What if Anunnaki were humanoids, who created the human race?
This kind of texts is not meant for taken too seriously, and I hope that nobody gets hurt because I write this kind of things. But there is often mentioned the case, that Anunnaki was the ancient alien race, what created humans for operating as the biological robots for themselves. When we are thinking about Anunnaki, that kind of theories is always told to the people, and when we are thinking about the Anunnaki, that kind of things might explain something about our religion.
Why the purpose of human is to serve the god? This is a really big mystery for people, who are searching and research things like the Holy Bible? Sometimes some youngsters are mentioned that God is somehow the very schizophrenic creature because that character is a loving father, but in some cases, the actions of that character are really overscaled.
And when we are thinking about Sodom and Gomorrah, and the tale of the wife of Lot, the punishment, that the person was broken the orders of the god were really steep. So what was the reason, that the god gets angry, and turns two cities in the sand and the wife of Lot to the salt statue? Was it really the reason why God made those actions that somebody saw his faces or just lived some kind of vulgar life?
2. Was Anunnaki created by human?
If we are thinking the case of mystery Anunnaki in the opposite way, we must realize, that the Anunnaki might be the master race, what was created by humans by using the genetic method. In this kind of cases, the ultimate creature might be created by crossing two pure lines of the individuals. Sometimes this method is used for breeding animals like racehorses, and this method is causing always very much critics because the pure lines are made by pandering the genetically close inmates together, what would make the degenerated descendant, but if two of those descendants, what is not a member of the same family would make descendant, that would be genetically strong inmate.
The pure line crossing with humans is strictly prohibited because the system works that the line of the individuals are making the children as long as the entire population would be one, that means that the genetic material would be homogeneous. In the lighter case, the inmates make children with the family members, and then those lines would be connected. That pure line cross would make genetical strong inmates.
It is possible that the Anunnaki was the man-made creatures. That was superior to another human. Maybe those individuals were created to the protecting mankind, but this kind of experiments are allowed, what means that they are not caused critics only happens with the vegetables and by using pure line cross has been possible to create the Rose, what is totally black. Testing that kind of things with animals is always causing protests.
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