The symbolism in the image of the office building is interesting. We are seeing the small and very pleasing entrance that might seem to dominate the entire business. The thing that is introduced to customers is always the best part of the company. In this text, the main object is in the service application like physical customer services.
But behind that entrance, is a large office building complex. That thing could symbolize the company. The thing in the companies is the same without depending on the sector where the company is operating.
When we are looking at the company, we are seeing only the little part of that actor. Most of the work that is made in the companies is so-called "back-office work". That work is hidden from the public eye.
A company is always the thing that interacts with its environment. And when we are seeing the things like service desks, we are seeing things. That company wants to introduce people and especially customers.
The thing that the company wants to introduce to the public audience is called "front office".
When we are going to the supermarket, we might think that the supermarket is the entire company. In the chained business the supermarket is like a service lodge. In that service environment, customers see the best things about the company.
The thing that is hidden from the public eye is called "Back office". That work is many times confidential.
Customers have no entrance to the warehouses or storage rooms. They are kept out of the sign. In those rooms personnel of the company is handling merchandise what the company is selling.
But most of the work that is made in the company happens at the office behind the scenes. In those offices works the people who are buying products for selling. They bargain the purchase price of the products.
And also in those rooms is calculated the price of products for customers. In that process maximizing the balance of the company is calculated as it maximizes the profit. In those rooms would also answer for the reclamations about bad products.
There are lawyers whose mission is to find out if the product is bad. But there is always the possibility that are reclamations false. The entire value chain must be known for finding out is there a problem with some manufacturing batches and what causes that problem. Or are the reclamations false?
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