Was the Oracle of Delphi some kind of acoustic device or intelligence network?
When ancient Greeks went to war they spoke with oracle, who told what to do to those warriors. There is claiming that this oracle is seeing things in the future, but what was the real secret of the Oracle of Delphi? Sometimes I have thought that the Oracle, might be some kind of intelligence or espionage network, and when the kings went to war, the other side would act as the oracle has told, if the price, what has been paid was high enough.
But the thing how oracle would do that thing, that the predictions would be true, is simply, they could change the messages, what the other kings sent to men, and then the other side was also under the command of the enemy. This is one explanation for the oracle, but there is also another nasty explanation for that thing, and do you know, that even the best leaders can make mistakes in a couple of situations. One is that the leader would be targeted with white noise, and that thing might cause the voices inside the head, and that thing would make that person believe, that gods are talking to him. I use term him because at that time every soldier was men.
And that's why the people who were leaders of the team, would be men in that time. So those persons, who have used that kind of system would need only two bites, and the other would make the sound, what the ears of humans cannot detect. The first bite of the horn would resonate with another, and that thing transforms the frequency of the sound to white noise, which can be used to give invisible commands.
But there is another possibility, and if the persons, who are leading the troops were grown by people, who were members of the oracle, that thing could make possible to make the psychological trigger in the mind of those people. That means that when a certain sound or another effect would be heard or seen, the leader would start to give wrong commands, and that would cause the loss of the group.
The thing is that the trigger can be produced during a very young age, and this thing makes that kind of thing dangerous. Of course, Oracle would take money from that kind of service, and when the job is done well, the oracle just sees the gift, what the king would give, and that might mean that the money has been given. So the gift itself was not expensive, but it acted as the receipt, that the services of the oracle were satisfying.
When ancient Greeks went to war they spoke with oracle, who told what to do to those warriors. There is claiming that this oracle is seeing things in the future, but what was the real secret of the Oracle of Delphi? Sometimes I have thought that the Oracle, might be some kind of intelligence or espionage network, and when the kings went to war, the other side would act as the oracle has told, if the price, what has been paid was high enough.
But the thing how oracle would do that thing, that the predictions would be true, is simply, they could change the messages, what the other kings sent to men, and then the other side was also under the command of the enemy. This is one explanation for the oracle, but there is also another nasty explanation for that thing, and do you know, that even the best leaders can make mistakes in a couple of situations. One is that the leader would be targeted with white noise, and that thing might cause the voices inside the head, and that thing would make that person believe, that gods are talking to him. I use term him because at that time every soldier was men.
And that's why the people who were leaders of the team, would be men in that time. So those persons, who have used that kind of system would need only two bites, and the other would make the sound, what the ears of humans cannot detect. The first bite of the horn would resonate with another, and that thing transforms the frequency of the sound to white noise, which can be used to give invisible commands.
But there is another possibility, and if the persons, who are leading the troops were grown by people, who were members of the oracle, that thing could make possible to make the psychological trigger in the mind of those people. That means that when a certain sound or another effect would be heard or seen, the leader would start to give wrong commands, and that would cause the loss of the group.
The thing is that the trigger can be produced during a very young age, and this thing makes that kind of thing dangerous. Of course, Oracle would take money from that kind of service, and when the job is done well, the oracle just sees the gift, what the king would give, and that might mean that the money has been given. So the gift itself was not expensive, but it acted as the receipt, that the services of the oracle were satisfying.
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