"Making matter from light: Two gold (Au) ions (red) move in opposite direction at 99.995% of the speed of light (v, for velocity, = approximately c, the speed of light). As the ions pass one another without colliding, two photons (γ) from the electromagnetic cloud surrounding the ions can interact with each other to create a matter-antimatter pair: an electron (e-) and positron (e+). Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory" (https://phys.org/news/2021-07-collisions-matterantimatter-pure-energy.html)
The photon clouds, which are interacting are produced electrons and positrons. Turning photons to electrons and positrons are done by using the glancing collisions of gold ions, which speed is near the speed of light. The speed of those gold ions was 99,995% of the speed of light, as you might see from the description of the test. Between those atoms are shot photons, and that reaction caused the formation of the electrons and positrons. That reaction is shown in the image above this text.
The DOE Brookhaven national laboratory did that test. And it's one of the most fundamental findings in history. For the first time in history, the photon is turned into another particle, and that thing shows that photons should have mass. So that means the counter-reaction where wave movement of the photons can turn to the material is possible. We have known that the material can turn to energy, so the predictable thing is that energy can turn to the material and antimatter.
The thing is that the photons can turn to electrons might not seem a big thing, but the fact is that this thing might be one of the most interesting observations in the history of physics. If the wave movement can turn to material and backward, that allows creating the new type of qubits.
The qubit can be an electron that is turned into a photon swarm, and then back to an electron in the receiver. That thing can offer highly secured communication. But as you see from the model of that test. There is a long time for practical solutions. And on this point, I must say that technology advances very fast. And this kind of qubits can be real sooner than we expect. Teleportation is one of the most fascinating tools.
And even if the photons can turn to electrons or positrons that thing allows moving antimatter safely. That movement happens by shooting photons through the air and then creating positrons by turning those photons into positrons. That allows loading the antimatter rockets safely. Because otherwise, the antimatter can react with material, and that causes a horrible explosion.
But maybe somewhere in the future, we can turn photons into heavier particles than electrons. Theoretically, the ability to transform photons to the material allows teleportation. In teleportation, the objects like cars, robots, or even humans can turn to photons, and then those photons can turn back to the creature that is sent on to journey. There is the possibility that someday technology advances enough. And making this thing will become true.
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