Quantum mechanics are not playing well with regular or traditional physics because quantum mechanics handle so different scale phenomena than regular physics. Quantum physics and quantum mechanics are made for filling holes that classical physics is not including or notice.
Those things where classical physics has problems are the case, where the conditions are somehow different than in regular spacetime. The fact is that there are phenomena that are possible only near extreme objects like a black hole.
The thing in black holes is that they are acting like one single extremely heavy particle. So the black hole can be superpositioned and entangled like photons. When we are thinking that time travels backward in the black hole we are following the next logic. Time dilation stops time when the escape velocity is reaching the speed of light. And when the escape velocity crosses the speed of light that turns the time moving backward.
So in the case of the black holes, Hawking's main theory is that the size of the event horizon can only increase depending on the conditions or space where the black hole exists. Sometimes the black hole is losing photons, and that effect is forming Hawking's radiation. Hawking's radiation comes from the black hole itself, and that thing means that sooner or later the black hole loses its mass and vaporizes.
But why black holes can only expand? The reason is that they are pulling more material inside them than they are losing in the form of Hawking's radiation. When a black hole cannot get the replacing material it starts to vaporize. The reason for vaporizing is that the black holes are spinning.
The speed of spin is not stable, and the form of the event horizon is changing. The event horizon is the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. Because photons are traveling in the whirl at the point where the escape velocity is the speed of light, that means when the event horizon is moving a couple of photons are getting out from the black hole.
The question is that how the wormhole theory is interacting with those things. There is the possibility that the energy channel that is called also the Einstein-Rose bridge can form only when black holes are superpositioned and entangled. So the energy travels between black holes. And that means the system is closed. Nothing can escape from that kind of monster.
Another vision, where black holes are forming the wormhole between them is also closed. That means material would travel from the lighter black hole to the bigger black hole through that energy channel. In that case, the material cannot escape from the black holes. And that energy channel turns black holes into one entirety. This means that the black holes will pull material inside them, and then the mass of the entirety is rising.
The reason why theories of black holes are so hard to confirm. Is that we cannot get observations inside the event horizon. We can make calculations by searching the behavior of objects and radiation outside the event horizon.
At that point, the escaping velocity of the black hole reaches the speed of light. And precise in the point of the event horizon is the photon whirl. The photon whirl is probably only one photon thick because the point the escaping velocity is the same as the speed of light is very accurate.
In the extreme electromagnetic and gravity fields, even the smallest deviation has a great effect. And the photon whirl requires that the escaping velocity is precise to the speed of light.
That means that the smallest possible deviations cause that photons are escaping from that area. If the deviation is in or behind the event horizon. That means the photons are dropping in the center of the black hole.
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