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Biohacking is the most game-changing technology in the world.

"A research team has identified NEAT1, a long non-coding RNA, as a key player in DNA repair. This discovery links RNA metabolism to genome stability and opens up potential new cancer treatments. Credit:" (ScitechDaily, Scientists Just Discovered an RNA That Repairs DNA Damage – And It’s a Game-Changer)

Humans make evolution faster than ever before. We created many species like dogs and cows to serve us. The tame pig has many united things with the wild boars. But the tame pig is not anything like wild boards. The human removed aggression from that species. Same way dogs are far from their natural cousins wolves. Tame cattle are also processed from the wild bulls. 

The thing. What makes tame cattle different is that aggressive individuals cannot make descendants. Aggressive cattle will be sent to a meat factory. And that removed aggressive behavior. 

But today humans have the tools that we had not before. Those tools are genetic engineering and nanotechnology. They can create any creature in the world. We can create artificial DNA that can create artificial species that are not in nature. Creating artificial individuals is similar to breeding horses. The researchers must find individuals who have certain abilities. Then they can enrich the genetic material. However, that method is limited to the species. 

But nanotechnology and genetic engineering make it possible to connect genomes between species. That makes it possible to create even humans whose skin involves chlorophyll molecules. 

Researchers can create artificial species and modify individuals' hereditary benefits. The imagination in biological and genetic research is the limit of biotechnology. The ability to give genome therapy is similar to giving vaccines to people. We can say. That vaccines are early-stage for a large-scale gene therapy. In the morula stage, researchers can check the DNA and then remove things like hereditary diseases from it. The same technology that makes humans wealthier is the worst nightmare in the wrong hands. 

The problem with large-scale genome therapy is there are so many cells in the human body that the system has no time to change the DNA into those cells.  

One of the answers is to create a virus that infects lots of cells. The virus can turn lots of cells to create the wanted DNA. And then. They can inject that DNA into their neighbor cells. 

The DNA bite can be like a program that creates the virus for a certain time. Then. That DNA will destroy the sequences that create those viruses. The problem is that in the genetic transfer process, the old DNA must be removed. If that is not done the result is catastrophic. 

The ability to change the DNA sequences helps to remove hereditary diseases, but it also makes it possible to order the gender of the individuals and connect the other DNA into those sequences. If we connect the genomes from gorillas to the human muscle cells, that gives the ultimate strength for a person.

So maybe we can make Albert Einstein with muscles that make Arnold Schwarzenegger look like rickety. Or we can create a creature that can adjust its muscle-cells mitochondria mass. But then another game-changing thing is that researchers found the RNA that can fix the DNA. RNA can be game-changing in the aging medicals. Aging and some cancers are results of DNA damage. And the ability to fix the DNA. Removes some of those damages. 

The RNA that fixes the DNA can increase our lifetime. And that is one of the things. Why RNA is important. 

This type of RNA can also used to fix the DNA-based nanomachines. When we talk about lifetime. And other things we must realize one thing. Those therapies are not so ultimate that we can forget exercise, a wealthy lifestyle, and being careful. 

One of the reasons why our lifetime will not extend as predicted is that medicines and treatments are better than ever before. So, there are people who think that they can live without caring about a wealthy lifestyle. Some people believe that even if they smoke a couple of boxes of cigarettes every day, and drink a couple of beers every day will get treatment when they want. 

One of the things in medical treatment is that. People don't take medicines as they should take them. If the antibiotics are interrupted before the medication is ended that leaves the strongest bacteria alive. And that is the origin of the super bacteria. This means wrongly used antibiotics and other medicines increase the speed of bacteria evolution.


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