Are those famous crystal skulls meant to use in shaman rituals along with DMT?
Psychedelics are a new thing in modern time research of neural functions. A chemical compound called DMT N, N-Dimethyltryptamine is a psychedelic hallucinogen. That the human nervous system creates. So does DMT drive information from the DNA to those silent synapses?
When a person is in an ultimately stressful situation. The reason why shamans are fasting themselves near death is that kinds of situations are causing DMT production in the nervous system. Does the DMT have some connection with the NTP? NTP is also a neural chemical. Does the neural system use those chemicals to transmit data between DNA and our awareness?
"A nucleoside triphosphate is a nucleoside or NTP. Containing a nitrogenous base bound to a 5-carbon sugar. Either ribose or deoxyribose. With three phosphate groups bound to the sugar. They are the molecular precursors of both DNA and RNA, which are chains of nucleotides made through the processes of DNA replication and transcription. Nucleoside triphosphates also serve as a source of energy for cellular reactions and are involved in signaling pathways. (Wikipedia/Nucleoside triphosphate)
Hallucinations that shamans get when they are in ritual connect them with the spiritual world. And there is the possibility that the silent synapses in the human brain have some connection with DMT. Sometimes some people have introduced the idea that the DMT is the chemical that drives memories stored in the DNA to neurons.
So is that chemical some kind of gate between molecular memory and everyday memory? The thing is that psychedelics are dangerous stuff. And they might have bad effects. So we must realize that things like shaman rituals should leave to those people who are making those things and know what they are doing.,N-Dimethyltryptamine
A film about the DMT, and please, be critical.
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