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Showing posts from June, 2024

Complicated cooperation between Broca's and Wernicke areas.

Image Wikipedia, Wernicke's area Which brain area should we observe? If we want to make the Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)? Maybe the best point would be the neural tracks that transport information to the facial and throat muscles from the sensorimotor brain lobe. The problem is that observing this kind of structure requires an extremely high accuracy. The complete BCI requires deep knowledge of the brain activity and its internal and external communication.  The key role in communication is in the Broca's and Wernicke areas. But what area should we observe, if we want to transmit thoughts to the computer? Natural selection is the brain lobe that produces speech. Transforming speech to text and driving it to the AI is simple. But if we want to take that text straight from the brain, we must realize that speech is a product of the cooperation of multiple different brain lobes. And that is the key problem that BCI sensor creators must solve.  The Neuralink chip observes the Broc

The new exoskeleton and rovers will revolutionize transportation.

The image above portrays the futuristic space suit. The artificial muscles and highly advanced technology make those systems extremely flexible. The system can use biologically cloned muscle cells. And highly advanced biological computers to control the suit. The claws on shoes can improve grip in difficult terrain. The intelligent brain-computer interface BCI systems communicate with those suits. The system can use cloned electric eel's cells to make electric   The exoskeleton is a wearable robot, that can turn a human into a cyborg with extremely strong muscles. The exoskeleton allows that person to raise even a car from the ground.  The exoskeletons can combined into space suits. That kind of AI-driven system can make it possible for a person to walk while sleeping. And that makes exoskeletons the basis for the new types of all-terrain suits. The exoskeletons are things. That makes it possible to create new types of transportation solutions.   "Researchers have developed an