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Ukraine attacked against Russian long-range radar systems.

Image: (The WarZone,Strike On Russian Strategic Early Warning Radar Site Is A Big Deal)

The purpose of those attacks could be to open Russian aerospace for Ukrainian drones. The attacks against those radars were attacks against the Russian early warning system. And it affects Russia's ability to see incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM). These kinds of attacks cause worries because if the Russian military loses its ability to detect incoming nuclear missiles, that can increase the possibility of making false detections about incoming missiles. And that raises the risk of global nuclear warfare. 

Image: (The WarZone,Strike On Russian Strategic Early Warning Radar Site Is A Big Deal)

The primary purpose of those radar systems is to detect enemy missiles and aircraft. But those radars can also have a weapon role. If the radar's transmitting power is high enough, that system can form the EMP pulse that destroys the electronics in the target area. The EMP pulses can also destroy radio transmitters and computers, and the high-power OTH radar can also be used to lock the GPS systems. High-power radars are excellent jammer tools. 

And as you can see, the OTH radars are multipurpose tools. If plus and minus radiation from two OTH antennas cross at a certain point, that thing can form electric arcs. Officially the "Voronezh M" uses about 0,7 MW power. But real power can be much higher. And if the radio waves from plus and minus poles impact it can form an electric arc. Or if the power is lower, that can cause a rise in body temperature. That kind of system can cause some kinds of symptoms. Or it can cause lethal injuries if the transmitter power is too high. 

"How a skywave OTH radar works: A powerful shortwave signal from a large transmitting antenna (left) reaches a target beyond the horizon by refracting off the ionosphere, and the echo signal from the target (right) returns to the receiving antenna by the same route. In practice, the beams are much closer to the horizon than shown here". (Wikipedia, Over-the-horizon radar)

From that image, you can see how the OTH radar works. All OTH radars work with similar principles. That means this image can used for modeling the OTH radars. The OTH system sends a skywave that jumps back from the ionosphere. Then that radio wave jumps back to the receiver. The only thing that limits this kind of system operation is the transmitter's power. For making long-distance, high-resolution images. The system requires very high transmission power. 

"Radio waves (black) reflecting off the ionosphere (red) during skywave propagation. Line altitude in this image is significantly exaggerated and not to scale." (Wikipedia,Skywave)

"Example of Skywave Propagation taken from PSK Reporter (Wikipedia, Skywave)

When we think about symptoms that some Ukrainian soldiers report, the reason for those symptoms can be some kind of poison gas. Or it can be some kind of acoustic or electromagnetic system that can warm or heat the nervous tissue. The electric arcs can used as acoustic wave sources. Or they can used to stress the nervous system. 

The thing is that it's possible. Those long-range over-the-horizon radars (OTH) can used to jam the GPS and Starlink systems by making radio signals that cover the GPS and data communication. The long-range radars can see targets over the horizon, and they can also support their artillery. The Ukrainian military forces attacked against "Voronezh M" radars that can see to even 8000 kilometers. The effective range of those systems is confirmed to be 6000 kilometers. 

But it's possible. Those OTH radars can see targets from 8000 kilometers away. The "Voronezh M" plays a key role in the Russian early warning system. If too many of those radars are damaged, that system's ability to see incoming missiles decreases.


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